Date With Roman

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"Joseph let's go." "I'm coming! Just wait a second." He came downstairs finally. "Are you ready A'noai?" "Yes Lopez, I am." I glared at him. He came down to my height and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you he says making me want to slap him in the face. But I did it because we have better things to do and I'll just save it for later. It'll be  much funnier when he doesn't expect it and then he'll wonder why slapped him.

We talked for about 30 minutes and then came to complete stop. I wondered what we were doing here. It didn't look like a place for party or needs it looked kind of run down. "Joe what are we doing here? You told me we were going an event for your friend not so whatever you want to call this." He chuckles. "remember the saying don't judge a book by its cover? Well this is one of those situations. Just follow me trust me it's everything you wanted." Reluctantly I just followed him and boy was that a site.

"Joe it's absolutely beautiful." "The outside is the diversion so no one would want to come here but this event is not for my friend. I lied about that." I looked at him raising my eyebrow. "What do you mean you lied about that?"

He turned a corner and that was when I saw his whole family come up with a cake and streamers and balloons and a banner that said congratulations. I was overwhelmed, but I was excited as well I was not expecting this. No one has ever done something so beautiful for me so I don't know what to say. A smile crept my face and Joe just laughed.

"You did all this for me?" "Yeah. I felt like you deserve something for everything you put up with me. So I told my family about the triplets and they were estatic so here we are now."

I never felt so many mixed emotions at one time. I want to cry and laugh at the same time I want to kiss him and slap them at the same time. But all I could do at the moment was just stand there. I seen so many smiley faces and I started to wonder where's my family? He must've seen something was wrong because he turned to me about my back I just smiled at him so he wouldn't think anything was wrong but I knew that  wouldn't past him. He was my Samoan, my love, my fiancé! He knew that something wrong with me.

"What's wrong,"he asks. "Nothing,"I said just trying to plaster smile my face like he would just leave it alone. "Mariana, I know when something is wrong so you might as well tell me now." "Nothing Joe. I promise! I'm fine." His family started to walk over to us which caused me to smile and turn away from him. He just looked at me and I could see from the side of my eye. "Oh Mariana! We are so happy for you two." "Thank you so much." "Are we late?"

I turned around to see my brother walking in with his fiancé. "Oh my gosh! Colby! Sabrina! How wonderful is it to see you all." "You know I wouldn't miss this for the world." Colby put me into the tightest hug and I want to slap him too. "Dude I am pregnant remember?" "Oh yeah. It's not like I was at the hospital or anything when they told you." I just looked at Sabrina. "And you're the one to agree to be with him for the rest of your life." "I love him what else can I do?" She laughs causing me to do the same. "So let's get this party started," Joe says causing everyone to clap.

"Sorry, we're late." "Jon! Demi!" I ran up to them and hugged them. "Don't run now." "Exercise is good for me. I'm so glad you guys are here." "You know we wouldn't miss this." "We wouldn't either."  I turned around. "MOM! DAD!" "Hello, Princess." I hugged my parents and started to cry. "You guys do love me." "Forever and always." "Let's get this party started." 

Everyone cheered.

I turned to Joe, who had the biggest smile on his face as he looked over the sea of family in front of us. "Babe!" "Yeah?" "I love you." "I love you more." "Impossible." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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