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* Mariana's P.O.V*

"Baby, get up! We're going to breakfast," Roman says rocking my shoulder back and forth. I groan turning over putting pillow over my head. "Baby girl you have to get up. We have reservations at 9 and it's almost 7." I throw the pillow at him. "It's to early," I groan ask I flutter my eyes open.

"Get up! Get up! Get up!" He hits me with the pillow over and over. "Leati Joseph A'noai! If you do not stop, I'm going to make you regret it." "Exactly how?" A smug smirk comes onto his face. "Keep doing it and you will find out. I bet you won't like it." He throws his hands up saying he surrenders only to be followed by a kiss on the forehead.

I looked up at my sexy Samoan as he only had on basketball shorts. "Get me some sweats or something. I am not walking around here naked." "I have seen all of you and been in you. So you can walk around however you feel. Joelle is not here so feel free to do whatever you want." I sat up with the covers wrapped around me.

"You know, we can be a little late," Joe says tugging at the covers. I laughed as the Sexy Samoan pulled close put my legs around him and his hands on my naked ass. "What do you say?" I whispered in his ear. I could tell he loved because he held on tighter. "I love it when you talk dirty to me," he says slamming me on the bed with my legs still wrapped around him.


"Reservations for the Shield," Joe says to the hostess. She stares him up and down and bite her lip. I say nothing as she shows us to the table. Joe intertwine our fingers with each others. As we sat down, she gave us our menus sitting us on opposite sides. She walks away still staring at Joe. "Surprised you didn't say anything," he says as our hands connect over the table. "She will be back. Trust me. I have this planned out." He laughs shaking his head. "Plus, I know the girls will have something to say about it when they get here. She has to bring all the girls here." He shakes his head. "What? If the hostess was a male staring me up and down. You would flip out. But I want her to think I'm okay with it. Your sister on the other hand, that is who she should worry about." "You are calm about it," Joe says looking at me confused. "She has nothing on me. Plus , I already have you. But she won't get away with this that easily."

The girl returned with Seth and Sabrina as she still stared at Joe. And she was looking at Seth. He daps Joe up as they slide into the same side. Sabrina slid into the same side as me. "If that bitch don't stop looking at Joe, I might just kill her," I whisper in Sabrina's ear. She gave me a look. "Girl I was about five seconds from slapping a bitch. I'm going to just wait until Demetria to get here. Then we can all say something." She puts her hand on the table and Seth grabs it. Just when I was about to say something Jon and Demi walk up. She was glaring at the girl as she walked to the table. Jon walked in saying hey and sat down.

"Your waiter will be with you," the girl says looking at the boys. Demi is still standing behind her. "Excuse me," Demi says tapping on her shoulder. She turns around. Demi looks down at her name tag before sitting down. "Tiff, can I call you Tiff?" "Yeah. You can call me Tiff." Oh this is going to be great.

"Look Tiff. This is my brother. This is her brother and he is her brother. My name is Demi. This here is Mariana and Sabrina." We glare at her. "The boys we sit in front of us are our boyfriends. This guy right her," she points to Jon," is her dad." She points down to a sleeping Elle. The girl laughs. "What's so damn funny," Sabrina asks. I put my hand on her arm and tell her to calm down. Annabelle isn't someone you want out in public. "Look Tiffany, you better watch what you say," I say. "It's just funny. The boys aren't complaining." Now it was us who laughed. All the boys looked at each other than us. They leaned over to us and kissed us.

"Look here, there is no ring on those fingers of yours so as far as I can see, they are fair game." I push my chair back gaining a look from Joe and his grip on my hand to tighten a little. "Joseph, let me go!" He shook his head. "Let her go Joe," Demi says. He shook his head again. "Maybe Joe isn't working for you. Roman Reigns, get your mother fucking hand off of her before I put a hand on you and you won't want it," Sabrina says starting to shake with anger. Joe let go fast. Jon hands his sister some water and take her other free hand.

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