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"Sabrina! Are you ready?" I am so pumped for Smackdown it's not even funny. "Yes! I'm ready. If you told me what I was ready for, I would be even more ready." I laugh. "You look colorful," I say looking at Demi. She has on a tropical sports bra with a matching pair of shorts. "You said be prepared to fight Aj. So I am. You look hot yourself." I finish lacing up my white boots.

"Picture before we go?" They nod. I put a caption that Smackdown is not ready for us tonight. We hopped in my car and drove to the arena.


"WWE universe!" We watch Aj Lee prance around the stage. "I am just so happy." She has on Dean Ambrose merchandise as she voice across the stage. "Can I beat her face in now?" "Not yet! Be patient."

"I don't know if you guys know this but Dean Ambrose and his girlfriend broke up." She makes a fake crying face. "He was to Good for her anyway. So he moved on to the next best thing. Me."

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. S.H.I.E.L.D

Sabrina and I walked down the stairs. Aj just stares at us. Little did she know, Demi was right behind her. Demi started attacking her. It was quite a funny sight to see. I jump over the barricade and grab a chair from under the ring. I set it up next to this dude and tell him to watch her.

I sit on the barricade. "Oh my sweet, stupid, little naive Aj." The crowd oooos. "I think the only thing you got right out of that cute little speech you gave was Ambrose is now a single man. But let me not start there." I turn around to see this adorable little boy in a John Cena outfit with a sign above him saying it's his birthday. I hoped off on the side with the ring and walked over to the boy. Demi is now standing next to Sabrina. "What's your name?" "Manson." "Hi Manson. Happy birthday," I say kissing his cheek. He smiles. "Do you know who I am?" "Yes. You're Mariana Lopez." "Thank you." I turn to the camera. "Everyone at home. My name is Mariana and I am Seth Rollins little sister and Roman Reigns ex-girlfriend." "What," explodes around the Arena. "That's my friend Sabrina aka Dean Ambrose little sister and my brother's ex girlfriend. The one who so preciously gave Aj only a piece of what she deserves is Demetria aka Roman Reigns little sister and Dean Ambrose's ex."

Everyone is shocked. "I know! The shield is single. Shockers. Things happen. People change." I walk into the ring. Aj stares at me. "And some people are just dumb. You see Aj. Dean wants nothing to do with you. Ask his sister." She looks at Sabrina. She laughs in the mic. "My brother would rather let me wax his leg hairs then be with you. You are scum." "Oh yeah! How come he said this?" She pulls out her phone and plays an audio.

"Aj I love you. You are the person that I am supposed to be with."

She has a smudge smile on her face. I was not prepared for that. Sabrina laughs again. Apparently she was prepared. "You mean this audio."

"What do you want me to say? Aj I love you .You are the person that I am supposed to be with. That's not going to happen. " "Kiss me." "I'd rather die." "Kiss me or I hurt your girlfriend. I know a lot of girls who would want to hurt her. And if you tell her, it will only get worst." She stops the recording. "You see. Sometimes my brother butt dials me a lot. I happened to have listened to this on the way here. Something said keep this." "You are so lucky you are pregnant," Aj says. "Well I'm not. What's up," Demi says into the mic. "Oh I'm closer and it would bring me so much joy to beat the hell out of you." Sabrina gets over the barricade. Demi follows behind. They get into the ring. We stand around Aj.

"We're Badass. We are dancers and volleyball players. We also grew up with brothers who are wrestlers. I don't know if you know who we are but I'm going to tell you one thing. We are crazy," I say. "Annabelle don't give a damn about your feelings," Sabrina says. "To much talking."

Demi starts attacking Aj. I curb stomped her multiple times. Then Demi picked her up and hit her with a power bomb. She roars. The crowd goes crazy. "Send your girls on me. I don't give a damn. Better know, after I am done with them, I'm coming after you. Believe that," Demi says. "She can't send her girls on you. They would fail at life and we would prevail. Plus, Dean didn't tell you. I did. So if anything, she should have a problem with me." Aj starts to get up. Within the second she pushed up, a superman punch was delivered to her. "Damn D. I was not expecting that," I say as she roared. Again.

"You roar like your brother," Sabrina says sitting on the floor pushing Aj out of the ring. "Enough on him. You." "What about me," Sabrina says. "You see recently, someone told me I was stupid." Everyone boos. "I know right. But I'm going to show you how smart I actually am. You see, there is this picture going around about my brother kissing a girl. You see, some people are just not good at Photoshop." The picture of Colby and I pop up on the screen. "Tuesday and Wednesday I spent all day with my brother. This is a picture we took. Now look at the picture of my brother kissing this girl." Everyone looks. "Same picture just a different face. It took for the word stupid to pop up because I looked for the stupid mistakes like not changing the outfit both Colby and I had on. Also, some of my hair is still showing. And and and, we used Colby's phone so you can see my Instagram page." Sabrina stands up looking.

"Now you are like who is this girl. Her name is Tiffany." Seth starts walking out along with Jon and Roman. "One of the crappiest workers may I add," Sabrina says. "No! She is a shitty person with a shitty attitude and shitty work habits. But worst of all, she has a shitty cousin. Yes! Her cousin is the mastermind behind it all. You all know him, we personally hate him. Put your boos together for Randy Orton."

Seconds later, Randy comes out clapping. Tiffany is right next to him. "Whoever called you stupid was way off." "Oh! I'm not done. Ladies." Nikki, Brie, Paige, Naomi, and Alisha all grab Tiffany and force her into the ring. Randy tries to grab them but Jon starts hitting him. Seth and Roman comes and attack Randy. The boys are just going ham.

I allowed myself to punch Tiffany a few times before walking to Randy. "You see I knew that if I said something on the radio, you would bring the slut here. You don't remember Sabrina say on Monday, last week, you mess with one you mess with three. You mess with them, you mess with me. Well baby boy, you learned." I walk away.

"You think you won," Randy staggers up as we all have made it to the ring. "I won. I broke them up. She is mine." "That's where you are wrong." Sabrina walks to Seth and look at him. He looks at her. They both mouth apologizes and that they love each other. Then the kiss. The crowd cheers. Jon walks over to Demi. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. It was for your own safety." "Shut up," she says kissing him.

I kicked Aj in the stomach and slapped Tiffany. "Try to break my family up again you three, and I will personally hurt you." "You and Roman are still not together. What happened with you two? Maybe I was going after the wrong one. You look hot in that," Randy says. "Shut up," Roman shouts. "How about you both shut up. I can defend myself," I say looking at Roman," and you can go to hell because I am not going to stoop down and date you. Believe that!"

I walk out the ring and out the arena. "Mariana." "Go away." "Mari turn around." I turn around. "Thank you." "You're welcome." I turn around and keep walking.

"Mariana! What's wrong?" That was the last thing I heard before it all went black.

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