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"What are you doing here? I thought you and Joe were watching the girls tonight," Demi says as she eats some ice cream. "Yeah! Well we broke up so." I shrug my shoulders. "So all of us all single now," Sabrina asks. I nod. "Pajama talk time?" "Oh yeah,"Demi says.

We all took showers and got into our pjs. Since I finished first, I mad hot chocolate and added marshmallows.

"I watched him kiss another girl," Demi says stirring her cocoa with the marshmallows. "I have a picture of him kissing Tiffany. Hell! The world has a copy of him kissing Tiffany." I sighed. "He called me dumb and immature." We all take a sip of the cocoa.

"Why are our brothers stupid," Sabrina asks. "My brother is far from stupid. Yes, there is a picture of him Kissing Tiffany, but I feel like I'm missing something to prove him wrong." "Well, they all had good women and they lost them. In my book, they are all stupid."

Stupid? Stupid!

"That's it." "I'm confused." I run to the bag Colby sent. "Why do you have Colby's shirt," Sabrina asks. "You gave this to him Monday right?" "Yeah." "Okay. Okay. Everyone give me your phones."

I lay out Colby's shirt and pants. I pull up the picture on my phone. Okay. Monday, Colby got the shirt. Today is Thursday. Tuesday and Wednesday I was with him all day. So there is no way her could have been with Tiffany. But how did they get this photo.

I look at Tiffany's face. I pulled up a picture of Tiffany on Demi's phone. I looked at her really close then at the picture of her and Colby. I used Sabrina's phone to pull up a picture of Randy. I don't know why, but I feel he is behind all this. But how?

I look back and forth back and forth. Then I look at the "kissing" picture. I pull out my outfit from yesterday. I look at the photo than our outfits. Then I go on Instagram. I look at Randy then Tiffany. It all starts to click in my head.

"Sick son of a bitch." "What," they both yell. I run outside. "Colby. I figured out. Get ready for smackdown. You'll have your girlfriend back real soon."

I ran back inside. "What's Randy's name in your phone?" "Dip shit. Why?" I dialed him up. "Hello?" "You listen here and you listen good you little dip shit. You thought you were good but I'm better. Hope to see you at Raw tonight. I'm handing you your ass tonight you sick twisted excuse of a man. And if you are wondering who this is so you can say the reason you should be scared for your life, tell them Mariana Belize Lopez is that bitch." I hung up.

I'm hopping up and down. Excited with my discovery. "For someone who just broke up with the love of their life, you seem pretty excited," Sabrina says. "Can you tell me what's going on," Demi says. "Shhh. I'm on the phone. Turn on the radio."

"Hello who is this?" "This is Mariana aka Seth Rollins little sister." "Oh my gosh! Just the person who we would love to talk to. You are close with your brother, correct?" "Yes I am." "So do you know if he really cheated on his girl or not?" "I actually do have the answer. But it is only going to be revealed later on tonight on Smackdown so you all stay tuned. This is going to blow your socks off about how fast I figured it out and how I figured it out." "That's all you're going to give us?" "Yep! That's all for now." "Well you heard it here first. Watch WWE Smackdown for the shock of your life."

"Girls get ready! Demi, prepare to kick Aj's ass and Sabrina,get ready to have your lips pressed against my brothers. We are going to Smackdown and we are so about to raise hell."

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