I'm What

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*Joe's P.O.V*

Seth ran after his sister once we were done with everything. I grabbed hold of my sister as we walk up the stairs and toward the other two.

"Mariana! Mariana!" That was all we heard before I started running. Colby was on his knees shaking Mariana's body. "What happened?" "I don't know. She was talking one second then the next she fainted and now she's not waking up." I picked her up bridal style and carry her to the car. I drove to the hospital with one hand in the wheel and one hand in hers. I'm not going to lie. I am terrified. I love Mariana with all my heart and soul. Yesterday when our argument happened, I don't think I ever felt so low in my life. I cried, I threw things, I even screamed. But it was all done outside so I wouldn't bother the girls sleeping. I didn't sleep. When I heard her on the radio, I pulled myself together and showed up to the arena. This was not how I expected it to be.

"Mariana Lopez," the lady asks looking at me. "Yes!" "Her brother called in ahead. Put her here." I placed her on the bed and followed close by. "Are you Joe A n o a i," she asks not saying my last name. "A'noai. Yes." "Well Mr.A'noai, we are going to run some test to figure out what's wrong. As we do that, you can sit in the room we have prepared for her or you can wait in the waiting room." "What's her room number?" She smiled and gave me her room number. I walked in her room and sat there until she came back.

"We're here. We're here," Demi screams. "Where is she," Sabrina asks. "Getting blood work and stuff. Where are the boys?" "Who cares. I'm worried about Mariana." "They took a car together and we took a car together," Sabrina says sitting in the chair next to me. We sat there for a little in silence.

"Hello?" Sabrina answers her phone. "What Jon?......Okay...... Yeah..... Alright. We will be down there shortly." "What's going on," I ask standing up. "You stay here. We," she says pointing between herself and my sister," Have to help these idiots out. Apparently, the lady won't let them in." I watch them as the disappear.

What am I going to do? Both Colby and Jon is one step closer to getting their girls back. Me, I didn't even start the race. Imagine me telling the girls that Mariana left because I said some mean things to her. They were not happy about that. But what I was trying to say wasn't coming out the way I wanted it to.

"It wasn't my fault." "It was. Using your real name would have made things go quicker and saved me the explanation , Sabrina says slapping Jon in the arm. "This idiot couldn't think of his name so he uses Dean Ambrose when his Id says Jonathan Good." "It was a lot of pressure." He sits down in the chair Sabrina once sat. Demi sat on my lap. Sabrina sat on Jon's.

It was awkward in the room because even though they kissed and apologized, you can still tell that there needed to be some talking going on.

"There she is. The woman of the hour," Colby says as they roll Mariana in the room. "Hey," she says faintly. "We won't know what is wrong yet. It will take a day or two for the results to come. But by the look of things, she could use some sleep. So why don't you all go to the cafeteria for a little and then come back up." They nod to the nurse. Everyone walks out but me.

"Mariana." "No Joe. I'm not doing this right now." "I just want to talk. I'm worried about you." "Well don't be. I'm not your responsibility anymore." That hurt. "I need to sleep." She turns over looking away from me.

I walked out and walked to the cafeteria. "Why so down Joe Joe bean," Sabrina asks. "I messed up." "You don't say. Calling her stupid and immature wasn't the best thing to say brother." "You called my sister stupid," Colby says. "No. I said she says stupid things. But I didn't mean like you're stupid. I meant it in a way to say that stupid things are always said." "So you didn't call her stupid," Jon asks. "I'm confused."

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