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It's been a whole day and I can't think of nothing. My brain draws a blank. I can't stand to see my brother like this. He hasn't gone to the gym, barely eating, barely living. It's as if his heart got ripped out and stomped on.

Today, I am with Roman, Joelle, and Elle. Both Sabrina and Demi are sulking in the sorrows of their heartbreaks. I feel bad that I'm not with them but Joe Joe bean needs my help to watch the girls. There is only so much He can do for them since he is a guy and know guy things.

"Seth Rollins cheats on girlfriend? What's this," Roman asks. "Working on it. Take the girls upstairs and put on Frozen." I walk to the kitchen and start making sandwiches. "Siri, look up Signs of Cheating." I took out some hamburger meat earlier so I could make burgers for the girls. Its already seasoned and ready to go. I just put them in the shape I want them and put them on the grill.

Joe kisses my neck. I moved away from him and went to my phone. As I scroll through the list, Colby fits none of these. "Siri, look up Seth Rollins." The article pops back up. I look at the picture. Something just isn't right about that picture. "Babe. Love me," Joe says towards me. "Give me a minute. I have to make these burgers for us and I have to help Colby get his relationship back." "Why are you so worried about his relationship?" "My brother and my friend is hurting. My brother is being lied on. I can tell something is wrong but I can't put my finger on it." "How about I do the burgers and you figure out whatever you are trying to figure out," he says.

I know he really wants me to say no babe. I'll make the hamburgers with you, but today is just not that day.

"Thanks babe." I walked to the living room and kissed the girls on the head. I walked outside and got on the phone. "Colby?" "Colby died of sadness," Colby says as he picked up the phone. "Then how about you listen to me and I see if I can cheer you up just a bit." "And how can you do that?" "I don't have any leads yet. But, I can if you do me a favor." "What's up?" "Look at the picture and pull out the clothes you had on. Put them in a bag. On top of the bag, leave a note that says for Mari. Park your car down the street of my house. Walk down to my house with the bag and knock on the door. Don't let them see you. Once the bag is retrieved, go home. But before you do all that, eat something." "And this will help you how?" "Just do it." "Fine Nike. Don't have to tell me twice." He hung up.

"Girls! Burgers." The little ones walk into the kitchen. "Wash your hands in the bathroom," I say walking next to them. "What did you find out?" I heard it but my body was delayed to actually responding. "Mariana!" "What? Oh. I didn't get anything but Colby is bringing his clothes to my house so I can see if it helps and I made him eat. That's it. But how do I know he ate? I'm going to FaceTime him." "What about your burger?" "Later."

"Put the food in you mouth." "No!" "Do I need to call mom?" "No!" "Now eat the damn food before I come over there and shove it down your throat." "Damn!" He starts eating and I am satisfied. "Deliver the package and I shall see what I can find out."

I walked to the kitchen and fixed me a burger. "Sabrina just called me. She says that they ran out of ice cream and need you to go get some." "I can't. I'm busy." I text Colby to drop off some ice cream too.

"Come on Elle. Let's go get ready for a nap." I take her upstairs and laid her on Joe's bed. "Night baby girl." "Night!" I close the door and leave a crack in it. "Going to shower," Joelle says. "Okay."

I walk downstairs and sit down. "Babe. Can you come here please?" "No! I'm busy." I can hear little hostility in his voice. I walk to where he is. "What the hell is your problem?" "All day. You spent all day trying to fix your brothers relationship that you weren't spending time enhancing ours." "Joe we are fine." "Are we," he asks. I look at him. "You tell me." I put my phone in my pocket. "All day you have been ignoring me, pushing me away trying to figure out something that isn't none of our business." "My brother is my business and will always be my business. I'm sorry I'm not spending every second with you and the girls. But I'm here." "Really? I didn't notice." "Well let me leave and you can really have something to bitch about." "So now I'm bitching. I'm bitching." I roll my eyes and walk away from him. "Be mature and stop walking away." "I'm going to walk away before something is said that will be stupid and infuriate someone." "You say stupid things all the time so." "Wow!"

That stung. "So I'm immature and stupid. You really have a way with words." I grab my shoes and put them on. "That's not what I meant to say Mariana." "Don't Mariana me. I have done nothing for you to call me stupid. I'm sorry that I care about my brother. How stupid of me! Sorry I care about my friends. How stupid of me! Sorry I gave a damn about you! How fucking stupid of me!" "Mariana, stop. I didn't mean it like that." "You meant it because you never would have said it. But you know what Joe? I'm done making dumb decisions. I'm done being stupid and immature. So let me be mature enough to apologize." "Stop it." "I am sorry that I care about people that I but how they feel in front of my own sometimes. I'm sorry that my brother means the world to me because he has protected me for a long time. Im sorry for letting you fall in love with someone as stupid and immature like me." He looks at me.

"And I'm sorry that the next thing that's going to come out of my mouth is going to hurt you like hell. But at least you will get to know how the others feel." "Don't!"

"It's over Joe." I walked out the house and got in my car. I drove home in complete silence.

The Shield and Badass are now all single. Damn!

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