How I Met My Jonathan

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"You know your brother Sabrina. Sometimes he can get drunk off his ass," I say putting another spoon of food into my daughter's mouth. "So you met him at the bar you work at I assume," Brina says. "Hit it right on the head!"

It was three years ago, I was working at the bar, freshly 21, but still working there. I was on break so I went to talk to Adonis as he was serving drinks. So he was telling me about the people at the bar and how they were cracking him up. I started laughing at his stories and jokes. I decided to help him with the orders as the bar was getting filled with people screaming orders at one time. Jon, however, grabbed my hand and pulled my closer to him. I could smell the alcohol radiating off of him. Before he could order, "Whoa there bud, you have had enough drinks. No more for you!" I've never done that, but I can tell he didn't need it. "Give me another beer!" I shook my head. "Give me your keys and your wallet!" I placed my hand out and he looked at me funny. "Does it look like I'm playing? Give me your keys and your wallet!" He stood up. He started digging into his back pocket. "Do you know who I am? I'm Dean fucking Ambrose!" " I don't give a damn if you were the president of the United States. Give me you keys and wallet!" He placed his keys and wallet in my hand. I walked around the bar and grabbed his arm. "Come with me!"

I took him upstairs to a quieter area and sat him on the couch. I looked at his drivers license. "I thought you said your name was Dean Ambrose?" "That's my stage name. My real name is Jonathan Good. But you can call me whatever you like!" I rolled my eyes. "Whatever! Look Jon, you stay here and don't move. I'm going to drive you home." "What about my car?" "We are going to take your car!" "What about your car?" "It's at my house. You just stay here and rest. I have work to do. Stay here! Can you promise me that?" He nodded. "Say it!" "I promise. damn girl! You run a tight shift." "Are you going to leave me?" He pulls on my hand kind of hard that I fall on top of him. Face to face with Jonathan Good. He pulled my face down to him and kissed me. "Don't leave me!" I looked my wrist but couldn't see my watch because it was so dark in the bar. He put his hand in my back pocket and pulled out my phone. "Thanks," I say before taking my phone. I looked at the time. "I have 5 more minutes for my break. I have an hour left for my shift. Then I can take you home." "Kiss before you go," he asks. I look at him. what harm would it do? He already kissed me. I pecked his lips and ran down the stairs.

"Where did you take him," Adonis ask. I pointed upstairs to the quiet room. That's what I call it. It's my personal space of mine. "Are you okay," Adonis asks. "Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" "Because you never take someone's keys and wallet from them. you never allow them in your room. And you never, and I mean never spend time that much time with someone that isn't a worker here!" That is true. "So!" "You like him or something?" I laugh. "I don't even know the man Adonis. I'm just making sure he doesn't kill anyone. He has a huge reputation so I hear. He's a wrestler apparently." "Yeah! Dean Ambrose. But you didn't know that when you helped him." Shit! "This is my papa's bar. It is my right as future owner of this bar to make sure my costumers are cared for and are not breaking the law." "Since when? And who said you are getting the bar? What about Joe?" "He has his wrestling thing! Plus I'm going to school for business not him! Now if you will excuse me, I need to get Jon some water and return to my shift."

I fixed a glass of water and walked back upstairs. "Drink this," I say tapping Jon's leg. He sits up and drink the water before I leave. After an hour and a half, I finished my shift. I would have finished it in the hour it was supposed to in but I had to break up a fight. I may not be a fighter like my brother but I learned some things from watching him practice his moves at the family gym. Since a lot of my family wrestled, my grandfather got the males in his family built a wrestling ring at the house and that's where they practice. I haven't been there in years but I remember the spear and the superman punch. I used the spear twice and then one guy pissed me off so much.

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