Winter Blooms (Minsung)

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Everyone has their dreams and goals. Someone wants to climb the highest mountain, someone wants to be a professional football player or an artist. But Jisung's dream was figure skating. Ever since he had been a child, this sport had been his favorite. Everything would have been okay if there wasn't a tiny, but important problem. Jisung had stood on the ice skates only a few times during his entire life. Because no one had ever said that you have to be good at what you like and what you want to be.

For some reason, he may have been a little embarrassed by this goal of his, as many people called it a ,,sport for girls". So he kept quiet until one bad day when he told his mother with millions of other things that had troubled his young mind.

As every good mother would do, she wanted her son to fulfill his dream. So Jisung's birthday present was a figure skating course. The boy was overexcited but worried at the same time. What if he wouldn't be as talented as he wished to be? He didn't want himself to feel bad for not being gifted with something he loved.

Whether he wanted or not, the big week, as he had named it, came and with it also came his very first training.
The course lasted only one month and the training was twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. Then, if someone wanted to continue, they would have to sign up for the next course again. It was easy just like that.

Nervous as probably never before, Jisung got off the bus and walked to the ice stadium. One of his favorite songs was trying to hype him up, but the stress didn't want to back off.

After he entered the massive building, with the help of the receptionist, he found the correct changing room. It was right by the ice rink where the training would take place in just a few minutes.

Quickly as possible Jisung changed his clothes into something more comfortable and put on his skates, tightly tying the laces. Then he left the room and joined others standing at the walls, nervously eying the coaches on the ice. They were mainly young people who seemed to have good relationships among themselves. All of them were dressed in blue or pink jackets with the word ,coach' on the back to keep them visible to everybody. The balance between men and women wasn't created, because most of the coaches were females.

With a loud whistle, the trainees went on the ice, skating in a circle to warm up. Feeling the slippery surface under his legs, Jisung became a bit unsure about the whole situation. Maybe this wasn't a good idea at all.

A couple of minutes later, the participants divided into groups with one coach each. Jisung had been told by his mom to join the kids' course as he wasn't eighteen yet, so he did as she had said. It felt odd to be in a group with actual children, who definitely weren't older than ten by then.

,,Hi!" their coach stopped in front of them. It was a young handsome man with light brown hair wearing a pink jacket, white shirt underneath and black pants. In his hand, he had a paper and a pen.

Some kids greeted him back enthusiastically and the male smiled at them.

,,My name is Minho and I will be your coach this month," he introduced himself to his students. ,,I will take the attendance to check whether everyone is here and also to get to know your names."

One after another the children raised their hands to announce their presence and Jisung did the same. Once the attendance was done, Minho gave it to another employee.

,,All right. Let's get into it," he took a deep breath. ,,As you are in this group, I am positive that every one of you knows how to skate, but still, I want to know how good you are, so let's just go to the opposite wall and back. Take your time, slowly, nicely, no pressure, okay?"

Jisung only nodded and with the small humans in front of him and behind him, he succeeded in his first task. His groupmates were so short that sometimes he couldn't even see them, so he had to be very careful if he didn't want to collide with any of them.

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