Chapter 24: A Looming Threat

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Morning arrived for the occupants of the dorm room. It was Monday which meant classes were back. Everyone got up and got ready. Once Jaydin finished getting dressed Whitney took several pictures of him in his uniform. Though embarrassed, Jaydin let her do it. Once Reeka emerged with her uniform on, Whitney took pictures of her, saying how cute she looked. She then asked to get a picture of them together. While embarrassed, they both complied.

With that now over with, they all slowly headed out. Zoroark managed to catch a glimpse of Miltank setting 8 wrapped boxes with the numbers 6-13 under Jaydin's bed.

Once outside, it was time to part ways.

"Well, guess it's time for you two to go to class now" Whitney said.

"Will you and Miltank be able to make it back to the airport alright?" Reeka asked.

"For sure, Miltank here is super strong" Whitney said. Miltank blushed at her trainer's praise.

'Considering she took out a few of Ash's Pokemon when she fought with them' Jaydin thought, remembering all the stories Whitney told him when he was little.

Whitney noticed that Jaydin hadn't said much since they got up. She walked up to him.

"Whitney...I..." Jaydin said but couldn't find any other words to say.

Whitney responded by engulfing Jaydin in a motherly type hug. She held him tightly as Jaydin remained frozen.

"Thank you...for being alive" she said.

Jaydin's eyes widened as they became watery. He leaned into Whitney's neck since his arms were still frozen. The latter rubbed his back as they ended their hug.

"You have a really great friend, I'm glad you were able to find a person like Reeka" Whitney said.

Jaydin softly smiled. "I'm really glad too."

Whitney closed her eyes as she formed a grin.

"It's a shame though" she said.

"What is?" Jaydin asked her with confusion.

"She'd be an amazing girlfriend for you" Whitney said as she teasingly walked away.

"Wha-?!" Was all Jaydin said. His face turned red as it looked comedically shocked.

"Anyways~ I hope you two have a great rest of the semester. I expect the occasional check in phone call from you Jaydin. And Reeka, keep looking after him for me, kay?" Whitney said as she waved them goodbye.

"Bye Ms. Whitney" Reeka said as she and Pikachu waved them off.

Jaydin simple waved his hand like a broken robot.

Miltank gave a quick hug to Jaydin before rejoining Whitney. Once far enough away, Jaydin managed to come back to his senses, mainly due to Zoroark nudging him.

"Ms. Whitney sure is nice, and really pretty too" Reeka said.

"Yeah..." Jaydin said as he keep looking in the direction that she left in.

Reeka went up to Jaydin. She gently placed a hand on his shoulder, gaining his attention.

"C'mon, let's head to class okay?" She asked with a friendly smile.

Jaydin smiled at her. He nodded his head in response. The four started to walk together towards the intermediate group building. Jaydin looked back one last time, lightly smiling before looking forward again.

Once the four entered the classroom, all their friends came up and congratulated Jaydin again.

"Everyone, I...I'm really happy that you all cheered me on during the tournament. It's thanks to you all that I won" Jaydin said with a smile.

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