ep 42" my favorite lady "

77 3 0

Jack Harrison 's pov :

I slept for almost three hours. I checked my phone from my sleepy eyes I could barely read until I saw 4 missed calls at 12 o clock .it was Hailey. My eyes were wide open and I dialed her for almost three times " the number you are calling is currently busy " . It gave me a nervous feeling .that uneasy one like first dating phase. I decided to have my lunch. I wasn't able to eat properly. I dropped her a text ,just in case... my mother called my name for 3 times then I finally heard it.

Liela harrison: what's up with you boys? You both seem pretty lost?

Jack: hehe nothing mom ,everything is under control .

Liela Harrison:" are you sure ,son "?

Jack:"I am . "

Liela Harrison:" and what about the things which are hidden from me "?

Jack:" Hailey is just a friend mom ."

Liela Harrison :"just friends"?

Jack:" yes mom for now ,You know when I first met her she seemed to be an rude,judgemental, bossy woman and you won't believe it she blushes like anything,she likes to have ice cream gets scared in dark . she laughs like a 3 year old girl . She do act clumsy at times ,yesterday I was on stake when I saw her messing with July. "

Liela Harrison:" okay okay okay I get it ,calm down ".

Jack:" yeah I mean ugh ,you asked .."

Liela Harrison:" July? " ( Jack's mother gives him an awkward eye stare ) .Jack as your mother and as your best friend, I am just trying to warn you about how little mistakes can change the pace of your journey. Your imprints may not be in your control but make sure they do not effect you in a negative way .you must tell Hailey about July... .

Jack:" okay ,I will.."

My phone blows up ,my mother smilies I go into my room picking her call ,this was the first time we were talking over call .

Jack:" helloo ,what's up Hailey " ?

Hailey:" hey ,I'm fine what about you? (Hailey speaks in a low pitch )

Jack:" what happened, it doesn't sound like you ".

Hailey:" can we meet ? "

Jack:" um sure ,but what happened Hailey "?

Hailey:" let's just meet ".

Jack :" you are scaring me, Hailey "

Hailey:" Jack please text me the place and time" . ( hungs up the phone ) .

My mother knocks at my door and I open it, she asks me if there's anything she could help me with. I smile and hugg her my always one and only favorite lady 💕. I ask her about some places I can take Hailey to . She asks me about my plans .

Liela Harrison: "what's on your list?"

Jack:" maybe a casual meet up something like a cofee shop "?

Liela Harrison:"not a good idea ". Why don't you just call her at our place"?

Jack:" stop acting like I am still a first year student mom " .

Liela Harrison:" she is ,you father is busy with work today " .

Jack:" I hope she agrees " .

SMUT : so much to tell You ! 🤍 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ