Chapter 24

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The hired alphas were dumbfounded, because what welcomed them wasn't a sleeping male. His eyes aren't shut, they are wide open and they aren't hazel or blue, they are bloody red. The male on the bed isn't an omega but an alpha, a very intimidating alpha. Their heads were whirling around in confusion as they were ordered to sexually assault a strawberry vanilla scented male omega, not an alpha.

 Their heads were whirling around in confusion as they were ordered to sexually assault a strawberry vanilla scented male omega, not an alpha

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"Where's the omega? We were told that it's an omega who is here. And why do you smell like him?" One of the alphas inquired, voice shaking in fear. The others looked tense too.

Yoongi sat up on the bed and gave the three alphas a death glare. "Such idiots, haven't you heard of perfume? Perhaps yes, that's why you all stink like cow dung. Tsk, tsk, tsk, why are you bothered that I'm an alpha? Are you threatened that it's me you are facing and not the frail omega you were expecting? Such pathetic and cowardly alphas! You're here to have fun, right? Who wants to go first? Or I can also take all of you at the same time. No sweat! I'll send you all to hell where you belong!"

The leader of the three motioned for his men to charge at Yoongi. The latter rose from the bed and gave the leader a strong kick on his stomach. The alpha stumbled back and groaned in pain. The two other alphas attacked him, but Yoongi swiftly dodged their punches. He firmly gripped one of the alphas arm and twisted it, making the alpha writhe in pain, holding his injured arm. The leader fought back and tried to hit him on the jaw, but Yoongi pulled the smaller alpha in front of him and used him as a shield. The smaller alpha fell down after the leader's fist hit his head. Yoongi landed strong punches on the leader's face and trunk. He didn't stop until he was unconscious. The other two were frightened to the core, Yoongi looked like a mad man, a serial killer thirsty for blood.

Yoongi turned his attention to the two battered alphas on the floor and repeatedly kicked them, throwing punches after punches until they couldn't move anymore. After Yoongi was done with them, the three alphas were beaten black and blue. He spat in their faces and body. "You dare come here and attempt to r*pe my best friend!" Yoongi snarled at them.

A few minutes later, a group of uniformed police officers barged in and handcuffed the intruders. "I'm Captain Lee Sang-Yeob. We'll take it from here. Thank you for your help." One of the officers said. He also took the cellphone on the side table and put it in his pocket. Yoongi nodded in agreement.

After the police officers left, Yoongi sat on the bed as exhaustion from the previous fight caught up to him. Earlier, his Uncle Hoseok told him that Tae is in danger, so they entered his house and found Tae completely knocked out. He was out cold when Hoseok carried him and laid him inside a black van. A middle-aged man wearing a black suit was in the driver's seat. 'Is his uncle a mob boss or something, because there were also two bodyguards inside the van?'

He questioned his uncle where he will take the omega but his uncle just replied 'somewhere safe'. His gaze followed the van until it was out of sight. Yoongi sprayed himself with strawberry vanilla scented perfume to mimic Taehyung's scent and take those stupid alphas off guard.

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