Chapter 1

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Lily POV

The Christmas break was white and snowy as usual. In fact, I found the winter much like Tuney's behaviour towards me. It was cold and uninviting. Petunia only talked to me when it was absolutely necessary and it hurt me more than I cared to mention. So I stayed shut in my room, receiving letters from Marlene McKinnon and Alice Prewitt, who were my best friends all through Hogwarts. I arrived at Kings Cross station, and saw flocks of people all arriving or departing by train. I said goodbye to my parents, muttered a goodbye to Petunia, and then walked through the barrier to platform 9 and 3/4.

"Lily!" I heard a voice call, "Over here."

I turned around and saw Marlene standing with Alice and Frank. Frank Longbottom had been our friend for a while, and although she hadn't admitted it, Alice was head-over-heels for him. We boarded the trains with our heavy luggage and tried to find a compartment that wasn't full. Finally we found one near the end of the train, where a horrible racket was going on, which led the others to investigate. We poked our heads around the door, and saw who was in the next compartment. The Marauders.

Let's just say the Marauders were something of a nuisance to me. Well, maybe just the head honcho. James Potter. The guy who followed me around constantly asking for me to date him. Fat chance of that. And then there was Sirius Black, The player at our school. Then there was Peter Pettigrew, who was basically the little rat that followed them everywhere. Remus Lupin, however was the only Marauder that I could actually stand. He was level-headed and smart. He was also nice. I still think he should seriously reconsider who he hangs out with. It was a good thing he was the one I could stand, as we were prefects together, and patrolled the Hogwarts corridors at the same time.

Potter was talking rapidly, and then Black and Pettigrew broke out in laughter, whilst Remus shook his head. The attention then turned towards us, as Remus had noticed us peeking through the windows. The looks they gave us were priceless, and I noticed Potter just staring over at me. Sirius eventually got up and opened the door.

"You eaves dropping on the glory of us, fellow students?"

I narrowed my eyes, at him, glaring. Marlene, who had something of a crush for this despicable person, spoke instead.

"No we simply wanted to ask if you would um.... SHUT UP!"

Black's face was seriously blown away. He was looking at Marlene in complete and utter... adoration, I think. Nobody says stuff like that to the Marauders, especially girls who are... not as high up the ranks as some others. Our little group had never been very popular, or well known, and I was thankful for it.

"I notice that James has changed his approach about Lily. Good job, mate," Frank commented.

"Well, thank you for that," he said lightly, "I've changed it up a bit this semester."

I saw this as the moment to disappear back into our carriage, but was blocked by a solid figure as I tried to move. I looked up, and saw the greasy black hair of Severus Snape. I backed away slowly, into the full sight of Potter's compartment, whilst Marlene, Alice and Frank formed a line blocking the walkway, so Severus couldn't get to me.

"Lily, I want to talk to you..." he said.

"You do?" I asked cooly, "I hadn't noticed."

He chuckled slightly.

"I do."

"Yes, well I don't, as it would make my life so much easier and enjoyable, so I'll be going now."

I walked away, and found an empty compartment, where I seated myself next to a window to think about anything and everything. I barely noticed people passing by in the corridors, and no one bothered me for what I thought was some time, until I heard the door slid open, and Marlene's long brown hair came into view.

"Lily, James wants to speak to you."

I looked up. James Potter wanted to speak to me.


"Says he wants to apologise to you for something," she shrugs.

"Oh. I'm not sure that I..." I trail off when I take a look at her face. "Oh, alright send him in, but not for long."

She left the compartment and a few moments later, Potter joined me instead.



"I'm sorry about before."

I looked up at him curiously. Wow, how many times had he run his hand through his hair today?

"Before?" I questioned.

"Snape," he said shortly.

"Oh, that...." I trail off, not knowing exactly what I was going to say. "Why are you sorry, again?"

"Because... um, he, I.. uh. I'm sorry, I have no idea where I was going with that."

"Clearly," I teased.

"How was your holiday?" he said sharply.

I must say the question took me by surprise, Potter was not a keen conversationalist. Nor did he ask me anything other than, 'Will you go out with me Evans?'

"Well... it was alright, I suppose. I got lots of presents and met my sister's boyfriend," I said, though thought of Petunia right now made me sick.

"What's he like?"

"Oh, you know he's rude, and snobbish, thinks that he's the best thing that ever happened to the world. He's probably perfect for Petunia," I said, more thinking to myself than talking to Potter now.

"Why's that?" he smirked.

"She's rude to me, and snobbish and thinks that I'm abnormal. She doesn't even talk to me unless it's absolutely necessary."

James' expression softened.

"Your the lucky one," he said.

"Because I have powers?" I asked.

"Yeah. and you have all the family looks, too."

I blushed. Wait, what! I blushed. James Potter does not simply make one blush. Especially me.

"How do you know my sister?" I asked, incredulous.

"See her at the platform every year," he replied simply.

"Oh," I said, "Sometimes I wish that I never had magic. Maybe Petunia and I would still be friends like we used to be."

"All things happen for a reason. Besides, it would be a waste giving magic to someone else when you're so talented, Lily."

Potter was being... nice to me. It was different. And I supposed I liked it. Especially since he called me Lily. That was the first time he had ever called me Lily, in fact. Out of all the years we had known each other, our sixth year at Hogwarts was the one he chose to call me Lily. I looked straight into his brown eyes, blushing. What was happening to me? I got up abruptly.

"I think I'll go back to my friends now," I said softly.

"Well they decided to join us, so come along," he smirked.

Now my friends had made us stuck with Potter for the rest of the trip. Despite their knowing my intense loathing for him. Fabulous friends with some sort of evil master plan.

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