Chapter 21

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Five weeks later, after the official ceremony, all the parents of 7th year students were gathered in the Great Hall eating all kinds of delicious foods. Sirius and I were sitting across from my parents, as his were obviously a no-show, talking to my dad about the Quidditch season coming up. Alice and Frank were together across from her parents, Frank's next to him. Marlene's mother was sitting next to my mother chatting quietly, whilst Marlene who had sat down next to Sirius had gotten up to greet Lily's mother and father. Lily was looking coldly across the room at Snape and his mother, both hook-nosed and greasy haired. I got up and gave Lily a kiss on the cheek, pulling her to my side. I cleared my throat, getting my parent's attention.

"Mum, dad," I said, "This is Lily. Lils, this is my mum – Euphemia – and my dad – Fleamont."

"Hi," she said quietly.

"She's is beautiful, James," my mum said, addressing me instead of Lily. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"What do you plan to be, now that you've left Hogwarts, Lily?" my dad said kindly.

"I was hoping to be an Auror, but it seems Professor Dumbledore has offered me a position in the Order of the Phoenix."

"Oh, you're one of his favourites, then."

"I wouldn't say that, sir," she said.

"Call me Fleamont."

She smiled.

"James, these are my parents, Dahlia and Harold. Mum, dad, this is James."

"Nice to meet you, sir and ma'am," I said.

"Nice to meet you, too, James," they said.

The rest of the night went off with a bang, Lily's parents and my parents getting to chat a fair bit. And when it was time to go, my parents invited them over for dinner sometime in the next week. I smiled at the thought of seeing Lily again.

* James POV

Over that next year, Lily and I had, along with Sirius, Peter, Remus, Marlene, Alice and Frank, spent a fair bit of time together. We had earned our places at the ministry and within Dumbledore's ranks. We had also received a few new friends due to the Order, among them one of the best Auror's to ever exist, Mad-Eye Moody and his girlfriend, Adeline. However with this came more danger for the lot of us, therefore that resulted in us having to stay inside for hours on end, no hope of being free people. But the new year was approaching fast and this time, I was determined to have a ring on Lily's finger by the end of it. And I had a plan, too.

"In just a week, my parents will be hosting the new year's party in their mansion," I said to Remus, Sirius and Peter. "There will be the traditional dance, and all that other boring stuff I used to hide in the basement for, and speeches from my parents. But this year, they have asked me to help."

"And?" Remus prompted.

"And we will have to go out and buy a ring, because in that time, I intend to propose to Lily."

A gasp escaped Peter's mouth, whilst Sirius grinned. Remus sat there rolling his eyes.

"What efficient timing you must have, James," he said sarcastically.


And there we sat, in the hall of my parent's house, waiting for their speeches to finish. I hadn't really thought of a theme for mine, as pretty much everyone around me was in the Order or was an Auror, so they knew the drill. But soon enough the speeches were over and I made my way up to the podium thingy we had assembled. I began my speech without fault but then I made it up to the bit where I was talking about love.

"These times are currently more difficult and dark than we could ever imagine, and that's why this year, my resolution is to love everything. Because love (and a nose) is one thing Voldemort doesn't have," everyone laughed at this, "So to start off my resolution with a bang," my heart pounded now, "Lily Marie Evans, I'm really not that good with speeches, as I've just proved, but will you marry me anyway?"

Her red hair shone in front of me, and she let out a sob, nodding her head up and down enthusiastically. And in that moment I realised what pure euphoria was, because I was feeling it so strongly, I think at one point I was jumping up and down because I was so excited. Lily, who was still sobbing, had gotten up and finally reached me from her seat just across the hall.

"Yes," she sobbed. "Yes, James, a thousand times yes!"

I reached down, wiping the tears off of her face and giving her a long, loving kiss. I leant back and smiled down at her, feeling something wet on my face.

"James, you're crying, gorgeous," she said to me.

I looked at Lily, dumbfounded.

"You just called me gorgeous," I muttered dreamily.

She chuckled to herself.

"I suppose I did," she said.


The wedding plans had been in full throttle and now that the wedding was only in two days time, I was more nervous than ever. Unfortunately there had been some problems. The main one being that Lily's sister, Petunia, was refusing downright to come to the wedding. It made Lils a right state. And it sent her parents into an anger that Lily would have directed at me during fifth year.

"We were always so close when we were little, James," she said to me one night. "I just don't know what happened. She drifted apart from me when I began Hogwarts. Tried to get Professor Dumbledore to accept her into the school, she did. I just... I miss being friends with her."

Lily and I were with some real estate agent, and we were signing papers for the new house, seeing as Marlene was going to move in with Sirius. Everything seemed to be moving so quickly, because soon enough it was the day of the wedding.

Lily walked down the aisle towards me, in a beautiful dress with one strap, smiling giddily, and her father holding her arm as though unable to walk. And truthfully, if I were the one walking down the aisle, I would need all the support I could get. Finally the vows were said and I waited for the 'ministers' permission.

"You may now kiss the bride," said Dumbledore, smiling kindly.

And so I did. The night went off without a hitch and I could also, finally, call Lily mine. Everything was going my way at the moment, and I loved every single bit of it.

AN: Sorry i haven't updated in ages guys, but i've been sick, and come to think of it, i still am. i've also had a lack of sleep from my strange obsession of watching cricket. idk why, so don't even ask. i just rly enjoy and i hate playing the actual game, so i just leave it to the professionals. anyway, school starts on monday so i'm looking forward to getting rid of siblings, just being at school without is good rn. but i'm nervous because of my english, i have my first year 10 english lesson (i'm in year 9) on monday as well and i just don't want to let anyone down like i have gained the impression i did last year. so wish me luck guys!

Love, Cass <3.

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