Chapter 20

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 "What do you possibly have to say that could make this any better?" I said, deadly calm. "Because I'm having the time of my life without you and you're finding hard to let me go. Whatever thing we had going, because it probably wasn't a friendship, is gone now, and there's nothing you can do to get it back."

He said nothing, but I knew I had hit something. Then spells began being fired here, there and everywhere. James and I ducked behind the wall, and the paintings were screaming out in terror. One who was close to us, seemingly unfazed, asked if we needed anything.

"Can you see if Professor Dumbledore is back?" James shouted, stunning one of them. "And if he's not, can you find Professor McGonagall?"

We sent more and more stunning spells their way and I felt something graze my elbow. Suddenly there was a sharp pain and I reached up to feel my elbow, my hand coming back with a sticky residue that was red. I looked at James and he looked and at me, both of us then sending one last stunning spell down the hall, and I looked at Snape as mine hit him. We ran down the hall, when I found myself needing to stop, leaning against the wall, seeing fuzzy little lights. James stopped and picked me up – bridal style – running down the hall taking me to what I presumed was the hospital wing. Then it all went black.


I woke up in the middle of the day, where all the lights had returned and all in all, the castle seemed a lot safer. I tried sitting up, using my hands and arms to move, but something warm was in my right hand. Someone else's hand, and registering a guess I think it would be James. I opened my eyes again, looking at the figure in front of me. I was right. His black hair shone, the light reaching it in all the places. His hazel eyes, looking beautiful as ever. He blinked and his long eyelashes seemed to get tangled amongst each other as he did so. He looked down at me and smiled when he saw I had woken up.

"Hey, gorgeous," he whispered, leaving me blushing almost as red as my hair.

"Hey," I whispered back. James leant down and kissed me lightly. I smiled at the unexpected surprise.

"Professor Dumbledore's back," he whispered in my ear, "He said he wants to see us."

James POV

She looked up at me almost innocently, but I saw the concern in her eyes. I was thinking the same thing. What could Dumbledore possibly want to see us for? Professor McGonagall had already informed him on the events of last night, so what now could he want to talk to us for? Madam Pomfrey bustled around the hospital wing tending to everyone when I finally called her over asking if Lily could go. She agreed tentatively; probably not ready to let her go at all. I honestly think that Madam Pomfrey would have been better off working at St Mungo's, because at least there she would be able to keep her patients for a lot longer.


Lily and I were waiting patiently outside the headmaster's office, talking quietly. The door opened to reveal Dumbledore at his desk, and he beckoned us in.

"Ah, James, Lily," he began softly. "First of all I would like to thank you for being on time today, as I have many other things to organise. Secondly, I would like to thank you for assisting me with running the school this year, I couldn't have done half of it without you. But what I really wanted to talk to you guys about was graduation. As you both know, in just a matter of weeks you and the rest of the 7th year will be graduating, but I don't think anyone has talked to you about what you want to do afterwards..."

"Oh, they did in 5th year, Professor," Lily said.

"But I want to know what you are considering Miss Evans," he said kindly. She looked suspicious.

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