Authors Note

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Hi all! This was intended to be a chapter, but I have been quite busy recently and haven't even started the next chapter. First of all I would like to thank everyone who has been reading and voting for this story because I'm so grateful I just can't put it into words. Ok so now onto my excuses about why I haven't updated. Last Friday, my 3 y/o brother was admitted to hospital due to an asthma attack, and i didn't get any sleep that night because they kept him overnight as the oxygen levels weren't settling. Anyway he got home on Saturday, and my dad decided to take away his dummy whilst he was sick so he cried until 11 o'clock at night. Then my mother, who has also been low on sleep, was backing out at the bakery on Sunday and she backed into another car. And then all of the days this week I've been going to bed late because of the assessments and Skype calls. So currently at school it's nearing the end of term, so we all have a heap of assessments due and I would like to say I have been working on them but some of them are so boring I just can't work on them. Also yesterday was a student free day so I went out to lunch with a couple of my friends and when I got home, I had a temperature and only went to school for the first period today because we were dissecting, even though I was lethargic af. I will try my best to update ASAP, but if I don't, those are the reasons why.

The Sickly Chooper out!

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