Chapter 12

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Lily POV

I stood dumbfounded. James had kissed me. He took my first kiss and owned it. I couldn't believe it. And the worst thing was... I think I liked it. And now someone was headed our way, interrupting us. Or probably stopping us before anything happens. Which is probably good. The footsteps continued coming our way, until Argus Filch the caretaker came into view yelling at our friends to get a move on.

"Head boy and girl, I believe," he said nastily.

What on earth were they all still doing up? Please tell me they didn't sneak back to the dungeons, and without James and I, as well! I looked at them all curiously and their looks told me all I needed to know.

"Mr Filch, what were they doing?" I asked.

"They were out of bed, in the dungeon corridors. Probably planning a prank on the poor little Slytherins."

I scoffed. There's no such thing as poor little Slytherins. In fact, I'd wager that more than half of their parents owned a mansion.

"Ok... so what do you want us to do?"

"You know the punishment for being out of bed."

"Oh, yeah, alright. Detention for all of you."

They gave me and James pleading looks, but this time, I had a plan. We were going to do something productive in this detention, the whole group. Something other than school work, yet informative. Filch left them in our hands, and we walked them back to the Gryffindor common room.

"What are we gonna do in detention, Lily?"

"Secret." I said, "Now get back to bed!"

They shuffled away, grumbling about how I was a goody two shoes and how they shouldn't be in detention in the first place. I rolled my eyes, and walked away, heading for our common room. James followed, and it was clear that he was uncomfortable with what happened before. So was I to say the least. But I liked it, and there's no denying it. I can't lie to myself anymore, I liked the kiss and I liked James. I liked the slight hazel freckles on his cheeks and the two moles on the back of his neck. And the mole on the side of his neck, too. Oh my merlin! I was becoming a stalker.

James followed me in the door and it shut promptly, where we both headed to our rooms. I chucked on my pajamas, leaving the room. James, it appeared, had the same idea.

"What was your plan for their detention?" he asked.

I smiled.

"You know that door we found down the dungeons?" I asked. He nodded, "Well, we're gonna do some research as to what might be down there. And hopefully find any references to a key that might open it."

"Oh. At least they'll be doing something productive."

"That's exactly what I thought."

I sat down on the couch, starting my homework that was doable in twenty minutes. Because I was tired, so there was no way I was going to stay up late. Soon enough, I had finished and slipped into bed, falling asleep quickly. But my sleep was not peaceful.

It started with the Patronus Charm in class, when James and I were paired up, and it turned out our patronuses were a pair. Then it seemed to skip forward, where I discovered I had become an Auror. There were spells flying everywhere, and then a body thumped next to me. A tall, lanky boy - no, man, with sticky-up black hair and rectangle glasses. I screamed, and woke up in my bed, with my hair against my damp face, breathing heavily.

I got up, opening my door quietly, and shutting it just as quietly. I peeked over the balcony, and saw that James wasn't there, so he must have been in bed. I opened his door, and walked in, shutting it. James moaned, then called my name. He sat up in bed, and I saw his messy hair sticking up.

"James," I whispered.

"Lily, are you okay?" he said. Aww that's so sweet.

"I... I," I gulped. "I need a hug."

James POV

She needed a hug from me? Well, I wasn't going to complain, Lily was asking me to cuddle her. I got out of bed, and strode over to her.

"What happened?" I asked her quietly.

She whimpered slightly. Maybe she thought it was something she could handle.

"Just a nightmare."

"Wanna stay with me for a bit?" I asked.

She nodded and I pulled her along to my bed, which with the new common room, had become a queen bed. She slipped in the other side, while I went and put a shirt on. Normally, I'm not that modest, but this is once of my chances to prove to Lily that I am a good person.

"You don't have to put a shirt on James," she said.

"Never mind it now, Lily." I insisted.

She sighed, waiting for me to lay down next to her. And moments later, I did. I wrapped my arms around her waist, letting her adjust herself to be comfortable. She did so, and her head ended up on my chest, moving up and down with every breath I took. She put one hand around my torso, the other on top of my arm that was around her waist. I smiled to myself in the dark light of the room. I looked down saw two, bright green eyes looking at me intently. She expected me to say something.

"What?" I asked stupidly.

She just smiled, then yawned tiredly.

"Nothing, James."

"Lily... I just want you to know you can trust me. Surely you can tell me what went on inside that dream."

She sighed.

"It's complicated. And I don't know that you'd want to find out. It might make you slightly..." she trailed off looking for the right word to use. But she couldn't find it.

"It's ok. You'll tell me eventually."

It was surprising how easily we could pretend the kiss didn't exist. Or how easily she could. But I wasn't going to ignore it. I swear to merlin, it was the best twenty seconds of my life. Her fingers began tracing light circles on the palm of my hand, and I never wanted the moment to end. It did however, almost half an hour later when she fell asleep in my arms. Eventually I fell asleep, too, and only woke when my owl tapped on the window in the morning.

AN: So my authors note deleted, when Wattpad logged me out, and I'm pissed to say the least. Ok I had school sports today, that's why this chapter is so shitty, coz I'm tired. But I would like to thank everyone who first of all, helped get the book to 915 reads and second of all helped get chapter 1 to 109 reads! Alright I'm tired so I'm going to bed, but the next update will be soon I promise! The Chooper out!

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