Chapter 13

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Lily POV

I woke up that morning to a tap on the window. And I discovered that I had stayed in James' arms all night. I rubbed my eyes, and looked up at him groggily. James looked different with his glasses not perched atop his nose, was what I noted. I also noted he was a morning person. No one could just wake up looking that good. I certainly couldn't! James smiled at me, the dimples on his cheeks making him even more beautiful.

"Morning..." he said.

"Morning, James."

He smiled, and moved slightly.

"Hold on, I'll be back, I just need to let my owl in."


He got up, let the owl in, then returned to bed. I could feel a smile creeping onto my face.

"Is it Saturday?"

"Yeah, but breakfast will be over soon, so you wanna go get some stuff, then come back up here?"

I wondered what made him think I would spend the day with him. Apart from the fact that I probably was going to. I nodded, getting up and leaving the room to get changed. A few minutes later, we met up at the couch, and he pulled me in for a hug.

"You look beautiful today, Lily."

I made a strangled sort of sound. I had to admit it, I used to hate it whenever he made comments like that, but now hormones were raging and I couldn't help but feel butterflies. Especially when I most certainly didn't look beautiful. I had trackies on, and a tee-shirt which stated 'I'm over it', and a jumped over the top of it. How on earth did I look beautiful?

"Not really," I said, scrunching my nose up.

James scoffed. He really was a charmer sometimes. But I wasn't going to tell him that, obviously. That would pushing the boundaries that we already stretched too far. And I was obviously not coping well with that, I mean James is making me think that I like him! Which I obviously don't.

"What do you wanna do today?"

I shrugged, then came up with a plan on the spot.

"First up, I want breakfast. Then we can explain to the others why I gave them detention. And maybe later we can explore the castle together," I proposed. But as soon as the last sentence left my mouth, I contemplated what exactly I had done. But James smiled and seemed to agree with the plan. We headed down to breakfast, but after discovering there was no one there, headed to the kitchen to order some food up to our common room. The castle was basically deserted, and James and I were utterly confused as to where everyone was. Plus there was definitely no Quidditch today.


We headed down a deserted corridor, as people had now turned up everywhere, and James pulled out a thick wad of parchment. Currently, we were being hunted by some seventh year Slytherins. It wasn't like we did anything to provoke them, it was Sirius and Peter! And that meant the rest of the group were out hiding somewhere else in Hogwarts, too. The funny thing was, James just grabbed my hand, and we ran.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," James muttered.

I felt a smile creeping onto my face.

"Only you would say that, James," I whispered.

"I did come up with it," he said, looking up from the parchment, smiling at me.

I looked at the parchment, noticing that it had changed quite significantly, as there was now a lot of ink on the parchment, and it seemed that it was quite like a map. I looked at James, then back to the match, then back to James.

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