Chapter 24 / Epilogue

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Then a nurse, who was standing at the door moved from her position, trying to stop whoever was trying to get through the door.

"That's enough, I'm going to see my godson!" Shouted a voice that I instantly recognised as Sirius'. He, Marlene, Remus and Frank Longbottom barged through the door.

"Frankie!" I shouted. "What's up?"

"Looks like your lad and my Neville are going to be friends," he said. "Alice had Neville on the 30th."

"Oh that's why you couldn't come over to our house yesterday, then," Lily said.

The next few hours was tiring, everyone fussing over Lily and Harry, everyone wanted a turn at holding him. But I got first dibs. And it was one of the most special moments of my life. Sirius was named the godfather officially and Augusta Longbottom came through to see Harry and Lily, and of course her favourite non-son. These next few years were going to be very eventful.

Lily POV

On July 31st, 1981, James and Sirius threw a small party for Harry and Neville, which resulted in a few firewhiskey drunken adults that had to pushed out of the house at around 1:00am, after I told James that it was a one-year-old's birthday. James and Sirius had planned along the lines of a 21 year old's birthday. But now what I remembered was not important. I was remembering everything from my childhood, from school, everything that was important to me so that I wouldn't forget them when I was gone. I remembered the first time I met Severus, when he told me I was special and that I had magic. The time I got my letter from Hogwarts and how my parents cried with excitement. I remembered the first time Petunia called me a freak.

I smiled as I remembered how I first met James and Sirius. I laughed slightly at how we'd become such good friends. Looking back at the first day on the train, no one would have guessed that James and I would be married. Or that Sirius would be the godfather of our son. I skipped forward a few years, remembering that time Severus had called me a mud-blood. Not one of my finest days. I remembered when I realised that James was Head Boy. And the very first time we kissed in the corridors. When he was being an annoying little git and dancing with me. And how we never found out what was in the secret dungeons we found.

I remembered how everything from then on had gone so quickly and finally we had finished school and then moved in together, even getting married in the process. I had fallen pregnant with Harry, and then all of sudden our parents were both gone. Now we were both at home, watching Harry play on his broomstick when James gets up abruptly. He looks out the window and through the reflection I see his face go dark. He pulled Harry off of his broomstick and locks it up in the cupboard, despite Harry's baby pleas of 'no'. James walks back in the room and picks Harry up, giving him to me.

"Lily, I think the Fidelius Charm is broken," he said to me, a sinking feeling in my gut appearing, "you need to take Harry upstairs and grab whatever you need, and take him to Sirius' house."

I shook my head. I wasn't leaving James by himself.

"Why can't we all just go?"

"Because, someone's gotta hold him off. And I want you two to get outta here alive."

I felt like crying. But it really wasn't the time.

"Where's your wand James?" I asked instead.

He felt through his pockets, but shrugged. I blinked, then glared.

"James you need your wand!"

Then the gate squeaked open out the front. My head spun around so fast I might as well have broken my neck. We ran into the hallway and James stood in front of the stairs. He pushed me up them slowly, because I was willing myself to stay there with him.

"Lily, please stop being stubborn, now really isn't the time." James pleaded. "Lily-flower? I need you to go upstairs and leave, please."

I shook my head.


"But nothing, now go."

A lone tear rolled down my cheek, and I whined. He grabbed my hand before pulling me off the step, as if time was slowing down he leaned in and kissed me for what I assumed would be the last time. I ran up the stairs afterwards, and looked back on James. He was grinning at me cheekily.

"Hey Lily!" he called up the stairs.

"Yes James?" my voice wavered.

His grin got broader now.

"I love you," he said.

My jaw dropped and now my tears thickened. I sobbed, trying to get those words out myself. I looked at him through teary eyes, and he was still smiling, so I smiled back.

"I love you, too," I called to him.

I ran to Harry's room, putting him into his cot.

"Lily take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off!" James yelled, obviously knowing I was still in the house.

I heard the lock click downstairs and knew he was here. And then I heard a sickening thump on the ground below. I gasped quietly. My husband, my James, was dead. I crouched down next to Harry, whispering that I loved him.

"Harry, you are so loved. Mama loves you. Dada loves you. Harry, be safe. Be strong."

The next thing I knew, Voldemort was in the nursery with Harry and I, telling me to abandon him and go. But I had already lost one of them tonight, and I wasn't going to let my son go next. I pleaded over and over again, but it would make no difference.

"Not Harry, please no, take me, kill me instead —" I pleaded.

"This is my last warning —"

"Not Harry! Please... have mercy... have mercy... Not Harry! Not Harry! Please — I'll do anything...."

And then it was over.


36 Years Later

I smiled as I looked down upon Harry and Ginny's kids. Albus was James' favourite, as he had pointed out many times the green of his eyes. My son was finally safe, and my husband and I were finally happy. Though we had visited them many times before, it was never going to be like actually meeting them. Sacrificing ourselves for Harry, James and I discussed as his children were boarding the train, was definitely worth it. And I would do it a thousand times over so that my baby boy would be safe. Now I realised it seemed like wasted time, all those years at Hogwarts when I hated James. Now I just couldn't come to terms with the fact that our son was safe once and for all.

"Why are they all staring?" our grandson demanded.

Ron grinned and said; "Don't let it worry you. It's me I'm extremely famous."

At this, the children laughed. Finally, the train began to move and suddenly our grandkids were on their way to Hogwarts, with Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione standing on the edge of the platform. But, as I'm sure my son and husband agreed, all was well.

AN: Hi guys..... this author's note is extremely difficult for me to write. I started this book almost a year ago, exactly 288 days ago actually, and I feel so attached to this book now, I don't wanna let it go. But even the best things must come to an end. This is what I would like to call nostalgia, and I am trying so hard not to shed a tear whilst writing this, because I've just become attached to this book, and it's hard to say goodbye to something once you've finished it, like reading the HP books. (Also I just re-read them again! <3) Anyway, I thank you all for your support and persistence to read through this awful book, and I apologise for what seems like fetus writing at the very first chapters. I just want you all to know how much I appreciate the reads and faves and comments, and I will probably devote my time to schoolwork, or a new book now. If I decide to write a new one, I'll update here and say what it is, so you can check it out if you want. Alright thank you all so much for the dedication and support

Love Cass. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 

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