Chapter 19

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 "Good thinking, Miss Evans and Mr. Potter. Now head back to the common room, as there's nothing that you can do help at this point in time. I'll alert you when you are able to help, though, for now please return to your dorm."

Lily and I left, heading the quick way back to the dorm, but when we saw a light down a corridor leading to the dungeons. We looked at each other, curious, and then decided to see what the source of the light was. I grabbed Lily's hand, not letting her run off on me again, instead creeping down the hall silently. We rounded a corner, spotting a number of seventh year Slytherins and immediately stopped in our tracks. Unfortunately, they spotted us and a voice rang out through the cold, dark hallway.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is! Potter and Evans," it drew it the sentence,

"Snape," Lily growled.


Lily POV

So..... That happened. I stood in the hallway, with my hand in James' and then Severus just so happens to pop up. What great timing! James' grip tightened on my hand and I glared at Snape. He looked at James next to me with deep loathing.

"What are you doing out of bed?" James asked, his voice deeper than usual.

"We're just trying to help some friends into the castle," he said snidely.

I gasped quietly. And he wondered why I didn't want to be friends with him anymore. That kind of behaviour was exactly why. And to think about the small, black haired child wearing the over-large coat who had wanted to be an Auror one day. It almost made me sad, but more than anything, it made me pity him.

"I can't believe what you've become," I said, shaking my head. "What happened to the boy who used to want to be an Auror?"

"Times have changed, being a Death-Eater opens up more opportunities for us, doesn't it boys?" he said. "And it -,"

"What 'more opportunities'," I said, cutting him off. "What else is there for you to do other than kill people and wreck their lives? Because that's what you've signed up for."

"Aren't wrecking their lives and killing them the same thing?" Crabbe asked.

I stared at him. How could someone with so much body mass not have a brain the size of an elephant? How is it only a brain the size of a peanut seems to be right for him?

"I'm not going to waste my intelligence on you, Crabbe, seeing as you won't get it anyway."

"Lily, you could always come with us..." Snape begged quietly.

"And do what?" I shrieked.

"You could join us, it'll be safer for you."

James' hand left my wrist, sliding slyly down to my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"What kind of person do you think I am," I said to Snape. "In all the years you've known me, would I ever try to do something mean or hurtful deliberately?"

"No, well except for James... but now that's changed too."

"So you think that now that like James, I'll try to hurt people?" I said, my voice wavering.

"Well, that's what James does, isn't it?" he said cockily.

"No. It isn't, and if you tried getting to know him, maybe you would find that James isn't all that bad," I said, defending him. "In fact, you're turning into the cocky bastard that James used to be, and I don't like it. At all."

"You don't need the Mudblood's opinion, Snape," someone shouted out.

"You're right, I don't need that opinion anymore," he said coldly.

"Why did you need it to begin with, then?" I asked, not at all bothered by his rudeness. "What made me so different and tolerable from all the other muggleborns here? Why did you even hang out with me, when I could have been spending time with Marlene and Alice, and you could have been with your foul, despicable friends?"

"Lily I -,"

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What do you possibly have to say that could make this any better?" I said, deadly calm. "Because I'm having the time of my life without you and you're finding hard to let me go. Whatever thing we had going, because it probably wasn't a friendship, is gone now, and there's nothing you can do to get it back."

He said nothing, but I knew I had hit something. Then spells began being fired here, there and everywhere. James and I ducked behind the wall, and the paintings were screaming out in terror. One who was close to us, seemingly unfazed, asked if we needed anything.

"Can you see if Professor Dumbledore is back?" James shouted, stunning one of them. "And if he's not, can you find Professor McGonagall?"

We sent more and more stunning spells their way and I felt something graze my elbow. Suddenly there was a sharp pain and I reached up to feel my elbow, my hand coming back with a sticky residue that was red. I looked at James and he looked and at me, both of us then sending one last stunning spell down the hall, and I looked at Snape as mine hit him. We ran down the hall, when I found myself needing to stop, leaning against the wall, seeing fuzzy little lights. James stopped and picked me up – bridal style – running down the hall taking me to what I presumed was the hospital wing. Then it all went black.


I woke up in the middle of the day, where all the lights had returned and all in all, the castle seemed a lot safer. I tried sitting up, using my hands and arms to move, but something warm was in my right hand. Someone else's hand, and registering a guess I think it would be James. I opened my eyes again, looking at the figure in front of me. I was right. His black hair shone, the light reaching it in all the places. His hazel eyes, looking beautiful as ever. He blinked and his long eyelashes seemed to get tangled amongst each other as he did so. He looked down at me and smiled when he saw I had woken up.

"Hey, gorgeous," he whispered, leaving me blushing almost as red as my hair.

"Hey," I whispered back. James leant down and kissed me lightly. I smiled at the unexpected surprise.

"Professor Dumbledore's back," he whispered in my ear, "He said he wants to see us."

AN: Hi guys, I'm back. But i'm still sick so basically the next chapter won't\ be for a couple of days unless i feel like it. Hope you liked the chapter it was pretty much a filler - so uneventful - and i didn't know how to end it, but otherwise ok. At least i didn't end on another cliffhanger like those two chapters the other day.

Love, Cass <3.

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