Chapter 8

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James POV

I walked down the steps in my Quidditch, pretending that nothing had happened last night. I saved Lily, then went back down to the Willow, where the guys were. The most disappointing thing was when Sirius cracked a joke, saying and I quote, 'Did you snog, then?" It basically put me in a bad mood.


"Potter grabs the Quaffle and he scores!"

Cheers erupted from the stands as I scored a goal through the tallest hoop. It was the last game of the year and I was determined to make an impression on Lily. The Ravenclaw's were a fair fight, but we were going to win. The Slytherin's to everyone's surprise, had come dead last in the cup. It brought tears of joy to my eyes every time.

A bludger was knocked my way, but Sirius flew in front of me and knocked it literally out of the park. Geez, the girls in his fan club would be going crazy right now. I weaved in and out catching the Quaffle, shooting goals whenever I could. Their keeper was putting up a fight, but they weren't going to win. Gryffindor had the cup in the bag this year. I looked around for Fabian, but couldn't see him anywhere.

"Fabian Prewett grabs the snitch and Gryffindor wins! WHOOOOOO GO FREAKIN' GRYFFINDOR!"

"Mr Rollinson, that is detention!"


The stadium erupted with laughter and cheers, and nobody really cared who won this time, because there wasn't any Slytherin. Of course I cared who won, though. Hopefully this earned us enough points to win the overall House cup. I looked at the Gryffindor parts of the stands. Lily was leaving her seat, cheering wildly. It was amazing how quickly I could find these days. I flew around for a bit, then didn't even bother getting changed, as I had left my clothes upstairs in the tower. So I flew for Lily. I searched around the dissipating crowd. She was walking with Remus, Alice, Frank, Mary and Marlene. Where was Peter? Never mind that anyways.

"Alright there, Evans?" I asked, making her stop dead in her tracks.

She had her arms crossed, her hair falling over her shoulder, and white cap slipping off her head slightly. She was smirking, however.

"Piss off Potter," she said.

She was so beautiful when she was angry.

*End of Year Feast*

"...Alright, now the House Cup awards," Dumbledore said, which was the bit that pretty much everyone in the hall wanted to know, "Ok. In last place, with 315 points, is Hufflepuff."

Small cheers came from the table on the far left. Hey, they won last year, is all I can say.

"...On 349 points is Slytherin, in third place," he said, only looks of disappointment coming from their table. Now it was only Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. "In second place on 428 points is... Gryffindor. Yes... yes, and finally in first place is Ravenclaw on 453 points."

The school was pretty happy, someone other than Slytherin had won and besides, we had won the Quidditch cup.

Lily POV

Potter did a good job coaching the team. I'm not gonna lie, because I don't like to, in fact I avoid it if I can. But I also avoid admitting Potter can do things better than me. I know he's better at Transfiguration, but I haven't and will never tell him that. Although, I do know why he's better than me now. He's an animagus. I never thought that I would hear myself say that. Or think that.

And we came second in the House Cup. The rest of term was basically a blur, and eventually Alice and I arrived at my house, knocking on the door, which we could barely see, because our stuff was piled into our arms, stacked up, obscuring our vision. My mother opened it, and helped us bring our stuff into the house. We carried our stuff up the stairs, and packed it away in my room. Alice would be staying at my house for the summer, then we would get our stuff at Diagon Alley, and stay at the Leaky Cauldron with most of the other seventh years for the night, then go into London for the train.

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