Chapter 16

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Lily POV

I pinched the bridge of my nose, then shoved his chest. He was so infuriating. What was that little stunt he pulled back there in the hall? I looked into his eyes and time suddenly slowed down. My heart was beating faster than it ever had before. I pulled on his tie, so that he was leaning down, looking me intensely in the eye. What was I doing? I was supposed to be furious with this guy! He kept leaning down as I found myself on my tiptoes, trying to reach him. I closed my eyes and our lips connected. He seemed to in momentary shock, but when he finally realised I was kissing him, he returned the favour. He swiped his tongue across my lower lip, asking for permission. I stopped for a moment, then obliged. We began to explore each other's mouths.

"Lily, you confuse me so much," he murmured against my mouth.

I simply smiled, then said;


"Because, I go after you for years, you deny me, I stop chasing you and you want me, then when I do something like I did tonight, you get pissed off, and now your kissing me again."

"I... what am I supposed to say to that, James?" I honestly had no idea. So obviously I asked the dumbest question ever.

"I, uh, I dunno..." he said, stuttering. He took in a slight gasp, clearly having thought of something. "Say you'll give us a try. Please."

"I thought... I thought that you were..." I trailed off. How I came to the conclusion he had gotten over me was beyond me, so don't ask.

"No, no matter how I try no one can stop me from getting over you, Lily. And even if I wanted to, I don't think I could. Please," he begged.

I broke away from him.

"James, I -,"

"Please Lily."

"Ok, fine," I sighed dramatically.

I looked at him expectantly. Why wasn't he in shock or something? Then realisation set in. His eyes basically popped out of his head and I couldn't help but smile. He seemed to be frozen in his position. He literally couldn't move. Then he began bouncing up and down, running around the room, eventually scooping me up into a massive hug. I started laughing, because it was so funny watching James' reaction. I was agreeing to go on a date with James! I had broken all the chains I had made over the past few years, linking all things that I hated with James. I had destroyed everything I had worked for, everything to bring him down, put him in his place and now, we were going on a date.

"Hogsmeade?" he asked.

I nodded.


The next day was the beginning of Quidditch season, and James had to leave the common room early to prepare his team, as he was a terrible loser, and has an obsession with winning. James seemed to be prepared to win at all costs, and ate little at breakfast before leaving the table declaring;

"I won't let ya down Lily!"

Marlene and Alice erupted in giggles, Sirius barking along, whilst Remus and Peter asked if I wanted them to hurt him. Though no matter how much I wanted to reply with: 'He asked me on a date,' I figured it would make my situation worse and the girls would be annoying the crap out of me all day.

The game began, and people around us cheered and yelled as hard as they could, the Slytherins on the other side of the stands looking immensely bored and obviously not rooting for either team - it was a Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor.

James was floating above the rings, and was watching the game avidly, trying to find weaknesses in the other team that he would surely pass on to the team throughout the season. The team flew around the Quaffle being passed from player to player back forth from one team to the other, and eventually both teams scored, though it wasn't enough to stop Gryffindor from taking the lead and absolutely smashing the game. James met me behind the greenhouses after the game, and we went for a walk along the lake, and I let him boast about the game and how fabulous he was at coaching the team. He grabbed onto my hand and we continued walking for a while.

"Lily what do you want to do after we leave here?" James asked me out of the blue.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked.

"What are you gonna do? An auror? Healer? A Hit Wizard? -,"

"Hit Wizard?" I asked curiously.

"A Hit Wizard or Hit Witch is like a police officer, oo actually, maybe a secret agent, because they highly trained to take out dangerous wizards, like Sirius one day, hahaha. But seriously they have almost every one of them out and looking for Voldy-nose."

"James, nicknames like that are going to get you killed."

"Yeah, I know. I think I'm going to join -,"

"The Order of the Phoenix." I finished.

The look on his face was priceless, and then I got the exact speech I expected.

"Lily you can't join! You're a muggleborn, and he'll target you first. Listen I know that you wanna help but - ," I cut him off.

"James don't be so bloody prejudiced. Just because I'm muggleborn doesn't mean that I'm not going to help. And I won't go down without a fight, unless it's for someone I love."

"I'm sorry Lil, but I still don't like the idea."

I scoffed.

"Of course you don't."

We sat down underneath a large Beech tree, and leant against the trunk. I felt myself leaning slightly, and I eventually fell against James' muscular frame and hugged him. The sun was beginning to go down so we sat there and watched it sink into the mountains in front of us, before returning to the castle to watch the sun set just as we walked in the door.

We had dinner, then returned to the common room and I read up a bit, for Charms and then grabbed one of my favourite muggle books from the shelf in my room. It was called: Bridge To Terabithia. I know it was slightly childish, but that was fine, because practically no one here was a muggleborn and would have no idea what it was about. 

AN: Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated in ages, but schools just started back so that's why it hasn't gone up this week, because although its first week we just got an assessment. Anyway I've been looking at demographics for my story and noticed that Ireland has joined the ranks of countries that are reading my story. I would just like to say I have a new bae, and his name is Niall Horan! Anyway I was thinking I might write a fanfic about him, coz I have a storyline stuck in my head and its driving me insane. Would you guys read it? Anyway I gotta go coz I have to comfort my big dog whose a lot like Sirius and now I think about it - should have been named Sirius - because he's afraid of the storm outside. C_hooper21 out!

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