Chapter 5- I'm Sorry

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"Blondie" I hear Liam whisper in my ear and brush my hair with his fingers, I open one of my eyes but it hurts like my eye is swollen or something and I see Liam sitting in a chair beside the bed I'm in. I look around to notice I'm in the hospital "What happened" I asked and feel pain all over my body, "At football practice it started pouring rain and you were talking to Makenna so I ran over to scare you like you did to me and then when I ran over to you I slipped and ran into you and you fell badly. My foot hit your eye and your eye is bruised and swollen and you broke your thumb" Liam said but he started to get a tear in his eye and couldn't go on "Blondie I'm really sorry" he said as he stoked my face with his finger. "It's not your fault" I said, "Blondie don't even say that I'm the one that ran in the rain and I hurt-" he stopped talking and started crying I've never seen him cry before. I reached my hand out for him and he held my hand tight "You, and your the most important girl in my life since my mother is gone" he said and he held my hand tighter. "Really wow, well at least I only broke my thumb" I said shrugging, "Blondie that's not true cause I didn't just hurt you, I hurt myself and Makenna has a broken toe" he explained still holding my hand, "Where's the girls" I ask Liam, "With Makenna I asked to be alone with you" Liam said and I felt butterflies, Liam suddenly gets out of the chair and stands up and hovers over me and gives me a soft and gentle kiss on the forehead and leaves the room but opens the door a crack and sticks his head in "I will never hurt you again Blondie and I will never ever let anyone hurt you" Liam says "Do you understand" he says, I nod my head "What did you hurt " I asked him because he said he hurt himself, Makenna, and I, "It broke my heart" he said and he leaves the room. "Sunshine" Katrina pokes her head in the crack between the wall and the door "Katrina! Come in" I said cheerfully, Katrina ran over to me and kissed me on the head "Hey I just got kissed there" I said smiling, "By Liam?" Katrina questioned "Yes" I say smiling wider with a small blush and Katrina jumps around the room "See he likes you" she said smiling still jumping around. "He just felt bad" I said with a frown, "Dude you don't kiss people when you feel bad" Katrina said smirking at me "But he does feel really bad like he was crying and swearing at himself" Katrina said frowning. "Oh who else is here" I ask Katrina,"Shimmer, the football team, Makenna, Natalie, Liam, and myself" Katrina said "But Makenna is in the other room getting her cast on her toe and your good to go now cause you have your cast on your thumb and the put a numbing cream around your eye" Katrina added. "Let's go" I said standing up and walking outside the door, once I stepped out the door the football team, Natalie, Liam, and Makenna came running up to me and hugging but Makenna was a little slow considering she had to be careful with her toe. I hugged them all but someone was still hugging me at the end I look up to see Liam hugging me and his face on my shoulder "I'm still very sorry Blondie" Liam said frowning and I hugged him back "Its okay I forgive you" I said smiling. We left the hospital and Katrina drove Makenna, Shimmer, Natalie, and I home.

Liam's POV:
I felt so bad for hurting Bridget, I mean we've been best friends since we were 9 years old. "Dude what's wrong with you" Matt asked me interrupting my thoughts of Bridget, "Nothing" I said in a panicking mode, did he know I was thinking about Bridget. "What do you mean nothing Marley, the hottest girl in school just came up and started flirting with you and you just ignored her like a piece of cardboard" Matt said, "Well I'm busy thinking" I said backing it up, "About what" Matt said crossing his arms "Bridget" he said with a smirk "All the guys know you like her" he said with a bigger smirk. "We're just friends" I said with a plain emotionless face, "But you wish you could be more, I mean come on think about it" Matt said looking me dead in the eyes. I guess he's kind of right, No he's not what am I thinking I don't like Bridget. Wait do I... I started to think about all are memories and all the fun we had but we were just friends that's all. But is that what I really wanted..

Matt's POV:
Liam likes Bridget. Every guy on the football team knew it, all Bridget's friends knew it, Bridget's sister knew they both like like each other but they were both too blind to see that the other person did. Katrina, Riley, Makenna, and I have been trying to set them up and it's getting closer but it's not there yet but soon it will be.

Liam's POV:
After Matt went home I decide to go to bed and check if Bridget was home, I opened my curtain a crack and saw her light on in her room. Did I mention she lives next door to me and threw her window you can see my room and threw my window you can see her room. I closed the curtain and sat on my bed, I tugged my phone out of my pocket and messaged her.

Liam: Hey :)
A minute later Bridget answered and I smiled.
Bridget: Hey ;)
Liam: I'm really sorry about today Blondie
Bridget: Stop apologizing it's fine
Liam: No it's not I hurt you
Bridget: Just drop it, I forgave you and I'll get my revenge one day lol
Liam: There's my girl 😂 I know you will lol
My girl that felt good to say well I guess type wait what was I thinking...??
Bridget: How's your heart? ❤️
Liam: Depends, Will you always be my girl?
Bridget: Of course as long as your always be my boy😎
Liam: Always. Now my heart is put back together by someone very special
Bridget: Was it Marley?
Liam: Now why would it be her?
Bridget: Because you like her
Liam: No she's a drama queen and she was rude to you
Bridget: Ya it was....Nrm Who fixed your heart?
Liam: I think you know. Good night
Bridget: Goodnight
I slid my phone back onto my pocket and opened the curtains and saw Bridget standing there, her hair was wet like she just came out of the shower. She gave me a small wave and I waved back and we both shut the curtain. I think I might like like my best friend. Is that a big problem? Of course it is

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