Chapter 8- Happy Birthday

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"Wow. Austin and Katrina" Maddy said as she laughed for a minute just soaking in all the things that have been happening since she left. Maddy packed up and went to Australia about 2 years ago after she got a great scholarship to an oceanography school there, although I was sad she left I was happy for her but she does her part by visiting when she can. Suddenly the door bell rang so I walked to the door and opened it to see Shimmer standing there smiling "Did Maddy come visit you too" Shimmer said jumping up and down while squealing, Shimmer ran into my house and picked up Maddy by the waist and jumped up and down while still holding on to Maddy. "We should get ready now since we only have an hour to get ready" I suggest, "Yay" Shimmer squeals as she runs up the stairs to my room and Maddy mouthed a thank you to me and I nervously follow. When we reach my room Maddy picks up her bag of clothes off the floor, "We make over Maddy first" Riley said spinning around, Maddy nodded her head and Shimmer started getting out my makeup from my bathroom. She set all the makeup on my desk that had a mirror on it and actioned Maddy to take a seat in front of the desk. She applied the makeup and I did Maddy's hair, when we were finished that Maddy changed into her dress and got her shoes on, when she was done she walked out of the bathroom (picture of Maddy's party outfit in last chapter) "You look beautiful" I said smiling and looking at Maddy, "You think so?" Maddy asked with a small smile "I know so" Shimmer said and Maddy's smile grew. "Okay now it's Bridget's turn" Shimmer said with a huge smile on her face as she grabbed my wrist and tugged me to the chair that Maddy sat in for makeup and I sat down. This time Maddy did my makeup and Shimmer did my hair, they put on my jewelry and painted my nails the same thing we did for Maddy, once they were done I went into the washroom and got changed and I looked gorgeous (pic above). I walked back to room and as soon as Maddy and Shimmer looked me their jaws dropped "You look stunning" Maddy said as she walked up to me and hugged me, "Ya like hot with a capital H" Riley said snapping her fingers. "Now for the beauty queens turn" I said looking at Shimmer and she laughed along with Maddy, Shimmer sat in the chair and I did her hair and Maddy did her makeup when that was done we painted her nails and put on her jewelry. Riley grabbed her dress and got changed along with her beautiful shoes and when she came out she looked amazing "You look soooooooo pretty" I said jumping up and down pretending to be her and she laughed, "Ya you look beautiful" Maddy said smiling. "Time to go cause we are meeting everyone at the party" I said smiling and pulling Maddy and Shimmer along as we tried to walk in our heels which Shimmer was doing a wonderful job at unlike Maddy and I.

When we arrived at the party, it was kind of awesome and kind of gross there was a lot of people kissing on the front lawn sucking on other people's mouths. "Gross" I mouthed to Shimmer and Maddy and they both nodded their heads in agreement. I kept walking around with my arms linked with Shimmer and Maddy until I spotted a girl with dirty blonde wavy hair I unlinked my arm from Maddy and Shimmer and ran to the girl cause I knew it was Makenna. I jumped on to her back, "Oh hey Pumpernickel" Makenna said smiling and looking up at me I got off her shoulders "Hey Snigglefritzz" I said hugging her, "You look gorgeous" I said snapping my fingers like a diva "Thanks but you look hot" Makenna said snapping her fingers too. "Thanks" I said while suddenly my vision goes black because someone is putting there hands over my hands "Unhand me creep" I yelled biting one of the persons fingers. "Ouch" the person said taking the hands off my eyes, I turned around and the person was Liam "Sorry Liam but it's your fault for sneaking up on me" I said batting my eyelashes, Liam laughed and hugged me tight. After releasing me he looked at me from head to toe and whistled "You look beautiful" Liam said smiling, "Why thank you, you don't look that bad yourself" I said winking at him and walking over to Katrina. Katrina was surrounded by a group of people so I made my way to her gently, well pushing people and nudging people with my elbows till I reached Katrina who looked amazing and holding hands with Austin and talking to people, once Katrina's eyes saw me she released her hand from Austin's and ran to me. Katrina jumped into my arms and hugged me "Happy Birthday, you look amazing" I said into Katrina's shoulder because I was hugging her. "Thanks Babe" she said muffling into my hair, I let go of her and she went back to Austin and clung back on to his arm I walked back over to Makenna, Connor, Matt, Shimmer, Liam, and Maddy. "I put your present on the table with ours" Maddy said to me, "Hey lovebirds" I said looking at Shimmer and Matt, Shimmer blushed and Matt put his hand around her waist and smiled. I walked over and stood beside Liam, he grabbed my hand, suddenly I felt a rush of heat though my body, he leaned over to me and whispered in my ear "Come with me", he walked slowly and I followed still hand and hand.

We walked for what felt like 10 minutes, "Ah my feet hurt" I complained "Stop complaining" Liam snapped his grip tightening on my hand, "Well you don't understand since your not being dragged around in heels" I say with a huge sigh. "Just shut up" Liam said with a small grin on his face which he was trying to hide, "I can't" I said laughing "Where are we going?" I ask still being dragged down a small path. Suddenly we stop at a huge cliff that has a beautiful water, amazing trees, and an awesome landscape, Liam releases my arm and sits on the edge of the cliff. I walk towards the end of the cliff and sat with Liam, I looked at his beautiful baby blue sparkling eyes "it's beautiful" I say smiling "It is isn't it but I know something a lot prettier" Liam said "What" I said curiously "She's sitting right beside me" Liam said tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear as I blushed. "We should get back to the party or Katrina will go crazy on me" I said laughing at the end with Liam joining in and then getting up while walking over to me and grabbing my hand as I felt a warm fuzzy feeling rush though my body as soon as he held my hand. When we reached Katrina's house there was a lot more people drinking and kissing, I walked back to Makenna with my hand still locked with Liam's "I'm going to get a drink, want one?" Liam stated "Sure" I said smiling and releasing from his grasp Liam knew exactly what I would want.

I walked to Makenna and hugged her from the back "Hey babe" she said smiling "hey Kenna" I said smiling back I released the hug and stood in front of her and explained what happened with Liam and her screaming and jumping up and down with happiness . "Where's Shimmer and Mads" I asked Makenna, "Over there" she said pointing to a group of people taking "Why aren't you over there" I said nudging her in her side lightly, "Connors just getting me a drink and he said wait here so he could find me after" Makenna said running her fingers though her dirty blonde hair.

Authors note
Hi people that read this, I really want to make a storyline for this so I'm going to change a few things. First off, I'm going to change the description and make it a cool storyline. All the characters will have the same name and the same attitude but I'm just not having fun writing it cause I need a new storyline but I think you'll like it.

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