Chapter 32- Australia ~Part 7~

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My dang stupid sling was now off and my left arm was free. Stephanie took my sling off and said it should all be healed by now but it felt weird being able to use two hands now.

The past week has been exciting considering on Sunday I had a date gone wrong with Reece but then got back together with Kyle.

On Monday Maddy, Kyle, and I went to the beach for the day and we brought along Jax and her brother Gabe. Gabe was really fun considering he threw Jax, Maddy, and I off the dock unexpectedly which was really funny to Kyle and Gabe as the two of them bonded not bothering to help us.

On Tuesday I babysat Mahogany and Alan with Kyle and we ended up taking them to a fair that was in town for a couple of days. We went on tons of rides and had a great time and I learned Alan is much like Kyle, he was a little flirt. Which was very funny to Mahogany and I when he was hitting on girls walking around the fair but not so funny when he was hitting on me, well not funny to me but funny to Mahogany and Kyle.

After going to the fair Kyle took me out on a date and we went to the beach to watch the sunset while snuggling in the sand.

On Wednesday I hung out with Maddy and Jax and we went to the movies to watch, One Last Time. It was a really good movie and we enjoyed it, the movie stared Lucy Hale and Oliva Holt as the two main roles. After that, we had a sleepover and I learned that after my twisted date with Reece, Maddy became a matchmaker and got him to go out with Jax which they did on Tuesday. Reece and Jax hit it off and are now dating happily!!! Texting each other a lot, it's kind of annoying to Maddy and I but at least Jax is happy.

On Thursday I went to Jax's volleyball game against another team which they beat badly and I learned she is an amazing player. I went to the game with Reece, Maddy, Kyle , and I brought Mahogany along. I'm getting really close to Mahogany like becoming her aunt kind of considering Kyle is her uncle. Mahogany has been getting advice from me about guys that she likes or whether to wear this or that, simple things that warm my heart.

Later on that day, Kyle and I watched a marathon of our favorite show, i am jazz and till this day I am the only one that knows he loves it.

On Friday I went to Alan's soccer game and learned he was a great player and stood out amongst the others. I went to the game, which they won, with Kyle, Stephanie, Calum, Mahogany, and Mahogany brought along another one of her friends named Victoria. Victoria reminded me a lot of Jax she was high stung at times but also really goofy and very beautiful, she had long flowing ombre hair and big baby blue eyes.

Which brings me to today Saturday, I now have today and then tomorrow at 6am, Kyle and I were flying back home. Tonight I was invited by Mahogany, Alan, Stephanie, Calum, and Kyle to have dinner then to just hangout, which sounded great.

I got back from bowling with Maddy, Jax, Reece, and Gabe about a half an hour ago. It was really fun and I said goodbye to all of them which was super hard but Maddy and Jax told me they would meet me at the airport in the morning for our last goodbye.

Right now, I'm just getting out of the shower because I wanted to freshen up and get changed for dinner.

I wrapped the towel around my body and walked into the guest room to find Kyle stretched out on the bed sleeping so I grabbed my iPhone from the nightstand and went and looked for the air hone noise.

I turned my volume all the way up and put my iPhone on the bed beside his ear and pushed the button and Kyle jumped up startled and the sound stopped "What the fu-" before Kyle could finish he looked over to see me laughing bent over with my hands on my knees and my towel on the floor and he had his eyebrow raised "Oh shoot" I mumbled pulling up my towel but then kept laughing.

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