Chapter 23- Shaw?

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"Mads please stay" I begged Maddy, right now Maddy was getting ready to get on her plane back to Australia.
"I'm coming back in the summer remember?" Maddy asked and I shook my head, summer break is only a month away "Ya okay" I mumbled and Kyle squeezed my hand for comfort.

A tear ran down my cheek, Maddy took a step towards me and frowned "Stop crying because of your damn eye makeup you look like a clown" Maddy joked and I laughed along with Kyle. Maddy hugged me tight and I returned the hug with a smile she pulled away "I'll call and message you" she said with a wink then she stepped in front of Kyle and grinned evilly.

Kyle looked at Maddy with fear "You." Maddy said in a angry tone "Take care of her" Maddy said and winked at me "I always do" Kyle said with a bright smile. Suddenly Maddy made a puking noise "Get me a bucket" I quickly searched around for one "Just kidding. But really that's disgusting. Remember my offer for getting you to a room at that hotel still stands" Maddy joked and I laughed with Kyle.

I hugged Maddy tightly and she grabbed her two suitcases and headed to the plane. I watched her until I couldn't see her anymore as she boarded the plane "Have you ever met her friends?" Kyle asked and I looked up at him as he was still holding my hand "Only on FaceTime but I want to see who her friends are face to face." I explained with a frown "Why don't you" Kyle said as we walked out of the airport swerving around people "Don't have enough money and I don't want to leave you. " I pouted.

Once we exited the airport we made our way back to Kyle's house because I was staying there for the night. Kyle ran his fingers though his chocolate brown hair, "When is Katrina and Riley coming back with Matt?" Kyle asked because him and Matt are good friends.

"Tomorrow" I said and shrugged "You going to meet them at the airport?" Kyle asked and I shrugged again "No. The whole football team and Makenna are already going but I'll probably have a sleepover with them tomorrow night" I said as we turned a corner of a street. "What will you do tomorrow night without me" I asked Kyle "Probably be free for once" Kyle said and I slapped him in the chest lightly and he lightly laughed "Just kidding. Geez. I'll probably go and hang with Justin and some of the football team" Kyle said followed with a shrug.

"Are your parents home" I asked as we turned onto his street "No. Why are you wanting to get down and dirty" Kyle gasped and I hit him in the arm as he laughed "No I was just wondering" I answerd pouting "I think Mia is though" Kyle answered as we approached the front of his house.

His house was big really big like a mansion as we stepped in two dogs a golden retriever and a black retriever ran towards us barking and wagging their tails in excitement. I now remember that Mia told me that they had 3 pets, 2 dogs; a black retriever named Peeta and a golden retriever named Katniss and a white fluffy cat named Jewel.

Suddenly I felt something on my legs and looked down at Katniss and Peeta jumping on me, I leaned down and rubbed them behind theirs ears then the two dogs ran away when they heard a sound. I laughed along with Kyle, Kyle untied his running shoes and left them on the mat leaving him in white socks so I slipped off my black and red vans leaving me in blue socks.

I followed Kyle up to his room, I've been in his room before it's filled with pictures and posters. Mostly of Mia, his mom, dad, Justin, teammates and him because he's captain of the basketball team, and his pets. But not a single picture of me. I walked into his room and noticed he changed it the old pictures were all in new spots and he had posters of Rocket To The Moon; a band we both like and a few posters of basketball players and hockey players he likes.

I looked to the wall closest to his bed and I gasped it was a wall of him and I, the wall was covered in pictures of him and I with some pictures just of me. In some of them I was laughing mostly smiling which is rare for me but now that I think about it Kyle has made me smile a lot. My favourite one was the one that was in the middle of all the pictures and it was bigger than the other pictures it was a picture of Kyle and I jumping off the cliff holding hands. It was a far distance picture but I knew it was him and I "You like it?" Kyle asked plopping down on his made bed.

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