Chapter 20- Love Her ~Part 1~

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I flickered my eyes open ready for today, Monday. Thankfully it was an extra day off today and I would be going back to school tomorrow. Today my plan is to hangout with Maddy at 10am and then hangout with Kyle at 3pm.

I flipped my body over to discover it was 9 am so I really needed to get ready now. I walked over and shut my door then stripped off my clothes , grabbed my iPhone and walked over to the washroom attached to my room. I have a speaker in my washroom so I can listen to music in the shower, I plugged my iPhone in the speaker and put on Like We Use To by Rocket To The Moon and adjusted it to the volume I was comfortable with. I turned the shower on and made sure the water was warm enough and I jumped in.

After shampooing, conditioning, shaving, just washing up, and most importantly singing to all the songs I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my hair and another one around my body. I paused the music that my iPhone was blaring though the speakers and it was Bless Myself by Lucy Hale. Then I unplugged my iPhone and shut down the speakers and made my way to my room. I dried my body off well enough so I went in my closet and grabbed my dark blue house coat and slipped it on. I walked downstairs and found Natalie sitting at the kitchen table eating pancakes and typing fastly on her phone. " Hey Nat" I said walking to the kitchen and grabbing a bowl and pouring Cheerios in it, grabbing a spoon and pouring milk into the bowl then sitting down in a wooden chair across from Natalie at the table. Natalie's head shot up and looked at me and she smiled "Hey sis" she said shutting off her phone and placing it on the table. Natalie was wearing her pyjamas still which consists of a plain white v-neck t-shirt and light blue pyjama shorts with little penguins on them.

" Do you know how the weather is going to be out today" I asked so I could plan my outfit for the day "Well I'm not god dam Mother Nature but I looked on the weather network and it's suppose to be kinda cold and a chance of rain in the evening" Natalie informed me and I laughed "Thanks" I said as I ate my cheerios for a couple more mintues then when I was done put the dish in the sink and I ran upstairs to my room shutting my door.

I took off my house coat and grabbed the clothes I wanted to wear and threw them on my bed. I got on my white sports bra and grey underwear. I slipped on my dark blue long sleeve shirt and put on my light blue denim jean vest. Then for pants I slipped on my black ripped stretch pants/tights and put on my white ankle socks. I went into my bathroom and put on my eye shadow and ran a brush threw my hair and left it down cause it was still straight. I returned back to my room and got my simple black purse off the door and slung it over my head so it was sitting on the left side of my body. I stuffed my iPhone, $30, and my earphones in the purse along with my drivers license.

I looked at my alarm clock and the time was now 9:50 am so I hurried down the stairs and walked to the front door. "I'm just meeting Maddy at the oak tree then hanging out with Kyle later" I yelled to Natalie "Okay" she said. I slipped on my black combat boots and tied them up then grabbed my car keys off the island and hurried outside after shutting the door.

I went to my blue jeep and put the keys in the ignition and drove to my school where the oak tree is located while listening to Stay With Me by Sam Smith blaring on the radio and I sung along. The sun was blaring in my eyes so I grabbed my classic aviator sunglasses and slipped them on. Mintues later I arrived at school and easily found a parking spot but made sure it was beside Maddy's White Chevy Cruise.

I ran over to the oak tree which Maddy was sitting underneath. Maddy had on a light green sweater and regular blue skinny jeans and black and green vans on. Her orange curly hair was pulled up in a high ponytail, Maddy was currently on her phone so she didn't know I was coming.

I quietly walked up to scare Maddy "Hey Bridge" Maddy said putting her phone on the ground beside her and waving at me. Maddy is a very funny person so she calls me Bridge because if I took off the t of my name it would Bridge and she's just a weird person. I laughed and sat beside her under my favourite oak tree beside one of my favorite people in the world. "Hey Mads" I said and she laughed at how long I took to answer.

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