Chapter 29- Australia ~Part 4~

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I rolled over and winced in pain as I noticed I was lying on my broken arm, how stupid. I rolled onto my other side and grabbed my iPhone and unlocked my phone to see it was 12:06 pm, so I had a long enough sleep. I also got a message and I opened it to see it was from Kyle; Hey Green sorry we didn't want to wake you up but we all went out for breakfast and should be back at 1pm or so. I replied with a quick k and that I was going to Maddy's house.

I got out of bed and went into the washroom and my appearance wasn't to great with my hair looking like a bush on my head and my makeup smudged. I took, more like tugged and ripped my elastic out of my hair and turned on the shower to the right temperature. I wrapped some plastic around my sling to make it water proof.

My washroom materials were still on the shelves so I was set to go as I stepped into the shower and let the water run all over me. I washed my hair and body with shaving my arm pits and legs and sung Cool for the Summer by Demi Lovato.

I turned off the water and wrapped the towel around my body and you have no idea how hard all of this is with a broken arm it takes like 30 mintues longer than usual. I walked into the room I was staying in and dried my body off then wrapped the towel around my hair.

I opened my duffle bag and got out my clothes for the day throwing them on my bed. I slipped on my grey bra and yellow underwear with my grey crop top tank top with a tie at the bottom right corner and my light washed high waisted jean shorts.

I took off my towel and hung it up in the washroom, brushed my hair and pulled it up into a high ponytail. I put on some deodorant, mascara and eyeshadow then I grabbed my phone and texted Jax. (Jax Bridget)

Hey. Are u home?

Yes I am home

Want some company?

Sure we could go somewhere??

Kk Do u mind giving me a ride over since my jeep is at your house

Why can't u walk and wanna go to the water park?

I'm going to be wearing my black wedges and sure sounds good I'll bring my bathing suit



Oh lol yes I'll be over in a few just wait outside

Lol thx


I grabbed my white black zebra striped bikini, closed the guestroom door and headed downstairs then I slipped on my black wedges which made me a little taller then I locked the door and headed outside and waited on the porch.

A few mintues later my dark blue jeep pulled in the driveway with Jax sitting in the drivers seat, I walked down the driveway and got into the passengers seat to hear Latch by Sam Smith blaring on the radio which Jax turned down a couple of notches as I sat down, closed the door of my jeep and put on the seatbelt.

Jax and I talked for a bit until we reached her house and she pulled into the driveway as I noticed Maddy's Chevy Cruise was gone because I knew she was at work.

Jax and I walked up to the door and she opened it and we slipped off our shoes and I sat on the three person seated couch and Jax sat on the love seat (two person couch) . One thing that I was curious about was if Jax had a boyfriend so I was going to ask "So have a boyfriend or anything" I asked and she shrugged "Nope" she said popping the p.

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