Authors Note

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Hey everyone, I know it's kind of late but I'm going to change up the cast a little bit and I'll put the the new changes in the cast list so please check it to see. Hopefully you are pleased. Thanks

I also really need a new story cover so I was thinking. Please make a cover for this story for me, you can make it using photogrid or anything like that. Then if you have instagram or if your a good friend of mine who doesn't have instagram then text me if you don't. If you do have instagram or know someone who does and you can just post it on their account please post it on instagram but mention me @sports_lover8873 and #wattpadcover so I know that it's for me.

I will pick my favourite cover and make it the cover of the story. If you win you will get credits in my description of the story and I'll say thank you in a chapter.

Please do this. Thanks Love you xx

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