The Wales & Borders Railway, story 41: Happy Birthday, Flying Scotsman!!

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This story is a tribute and is written to celebrate the centenary of the most popular steam locomotive, Flying Scotsman, who's 100 years old, Happy 100th Birthday!!

T'was a very special day for a special Gresley Class A3 locomotive numbered 60103, yes you guessed it, it's the Flying Scotsman. Almost a week ago, Flying Scotsman had turned 100 years old, which is a huge milestone for any locomotive. Mr Griffiths, railway director, was planning a celebration to mark the occasion for a few days, and had come up with a solution. "I think we ought to restore those old Pullman coaches" Mr Griffiths said to Alfie from the Garage, "Which ones?", "Audrey, Cygnus, Gwen, Percy, Ibis, Ione, Lucille, Minerva, Juno, Genesis, Perseus and Aquarius", "Right Away, sir". The coaches were all completely damaged and rotten, after being left in a siding for god knows how long, they were collected by a Class 47, 47579 which was recently named 'James Nightall G.C'.

Flying Scotsman cruised along from his home in York to the Restoration Garage. He received a shiny new coat of Dark BR Green paint, a new number plate, and some new parts. The Flying Scotsman arrived at Platform 3 at Cardiff Central, everyone was shocked to see how shiny and brand new looking the locomotive was, the Mk2 Pullman coaches stood out a lot too, being last seen in Canton in a right state, "I always thought the Scotsman's number was 4472 not 60103" said a woman at the platform, "Well, that's because of his swap from LNER to British Railways" replied Barry.

After his birthday was over, the Railway Board had agreed and understood that they couldn't change Scotsman's popular and well-known number, so, they renumbered him back to 4472 and they put his original LNER Apple Green coat on, "Thank you, Alfie", Mr Griffiths said to Alfie and his team. The loco returned to continue his days on Railtours with Pathfinder Tours, everyone was saying to each other, "What a legend", they were so right, the LNER A3 no.4472 is the most popular UK steam locomotive, and Mr Griffiths & the crew never lets anyone forget that. "Well, what a birthday well spent, but sadly it's time to return to the National Railway Museum, where it will be looked after in the best possible way" said Mr Griffiths, and that is the end of today's very late Scotsman Birthday Story.


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