The Wales & Borders Railway, story 19: The Motorail - Part 1

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It was very chaotic on the roads of South Wales, there was tons of traffic both ways, all over, the roads were jam-packed with cars, lorries and buses, Andrew Field the driver of the Atlantean 68 was fuming "I'm going to be late!" he complained "why is there so much bloody traffic?", it wasn't just Andrew who was fuming, Jerry Smith, the local postman, went red in the face, "This traffic is making me mad" Jerry moaned under his breath "I know, I'll just overtake it all, and I can rush into the fast lane", he overtook the first 10 vehicles, when a huge 1954 Scammell Explorer 6x4 came rushing through, Jerry was in trouble, he had no other choice but to turn onto a field, out of the way. The railway crew, on the other hand, were also very mad; they had to deal with complaints over and over again about people being extremely late for work, school, and other occasions. Mr Griffiths, the railway director, and the local council had agreed to start a Motorail service to and from Penzance, now a motorail is where an locomotive would haul up to 5 extra long flatbeds, in which passengers can put their cars on, but the trains had to pull double the load, "It'll just be for the rest of the summer" Mr Griffiths expressed "it's just so passengers can travel to and from their holiday destinations without having to leave their cars behind".

Every 3 hours, the unusual train came passing through, pulled by 4464 Bittern of Locomotive Services Ltd, 8572 was instructed to pull the first Motorail to and from the mainline. At first Kirk, Gordon, and even Flying Scotsman were indignant at first, "This is a load of crap!" Kirk and Gordon grumbled, as they were scheduled to take the Motorail for the first time around Wales and to England, but when they all heard that it was a non-stop Express, ha ha, they stopped grumbling then. At the top station, there were special loading/unloading points at the end of each platform so the passengers could drive their cars off the flatbeds onto the roads pretty easily, Mr Griffiths came over to see the Motorail leave "Sir, won't we be adding more cars onto the roads with this service?" asked Kirk, "Undeniably yes" sighed Mr Griffiths, slightly annoyed "but if we can reduce the road users travelling in and out of Wales, it will ease the lives of our local residents and the holiday makers". The engines were not happy at all, "Is this what it has come to?" grumbled Gordon "helping the roads, hauling passengers and their cars?", "Mr Griffiths will have had a good reason to do this" said Leyland "besides, we serve Wales, we must do all that we can to help", "Rubbish" snarled Gerald, "I won't do it, supporting the roads, it's a shambles, passengers use the trains, so they don't need to use the roads, they should leave their cars at home" groaned Nathaniel.

Barry & Halton were instructed to take the very first Motorail service from Swansea and take it all the way to Plymouth, "I won't do it" he said, "You will" scolded Mr Griffiths "Griffiths is relying on us to make it a success, so come on Barry, show them how useful you can be" said Halton. Unfortunately, Scotty's mood only worsened, "I'm so sorry, Barry" called the yard manager "there isn't a shunter available to arrange your train, as GWR 5788 is up at Didcot Railway Centre for their annual Steam Gala, you'll have to shunt the train yourself", Barry was furious, he shunted the flatbeds fiercely, then shunted them hard behind the coaches, then bumped the train again when he puffed around to the front...

To Be Continued In Part 2

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