The Wales & Borders Railway, story 42: The Steam Replacement!

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T'was a bit of a happier time on the Wales & Borders Railway, as Hefin David, railway vice-manager, was feeling a bit sorry for Mr Griffiths, railway director, as he'd lost most of his locos in story 38: Saved, Scrapped & Preserved. Hefin decided to bring some locomotives to him, the ones he used to surprise Griffiths in the previous story, and get a few extras just to make it feel like home, he brought back the GWR 'King & Castle Classes' and the LNER Class C6 and he added an LNER Class A8 69889, an SR 'Schools' Class 30922 and to end it off, a GWR 41xx tank engine 4168. "Mr Griffiths will be very pleased with this bigger and better surprise" added Hefin, once again he rolled the locos into Alfie's Garage, for a little touch-up and then he'll present them to Griffiths as soon as it's time.

When it was time, Hefin brought the locos to Cardiff Central, where everyone was waiting, then he blindfolded Mr Griffiths and said, "On the count of 3, lift off the covers; 1, 2, 3, lift" shouted Hefin, and when they lifted off the covers, revealing such a beautiful sight of freshly cleaned locos with fresh gleaming paintwork. "Oh my good god!" said Mr Griffiths, he was speechless, "you got me some steam engines to replace my older ones, why thank you", "Well, I saw how heartbroken you was when they were removed from the railway back about a month ago, so me and all the workmen had chipped in to make this event happen" answered Hefin. Just like last time, they went on a special journey from Rhymney to Llandudno on the All Welsh Express line, but this time with a carriage load of passengers, this was the happiest time of Mr Griffiths' life.

As soon as the event was over, Griffiths gave Hefin a big cwtch, and that made them both feel very happy indeed, "Like we all say" said Hefin "It's not just money that brings people together" he was so right to say that and everyone agreed with him and they rolled the locos into the old engine sheds, they were cosy and warm, as their fires were still going strong, and that made the workmen very warm, too, as they had to stay in the cab all evening, as they can't trust cleaners fiddling with the controls, as once a cleaner, who's been fired now because of this, had hopped aboard and was on the footplate, he started to clean the regulator and he moved that slightly and he was polishing the brake handle and knocked that off, which made the loco start moving and then went faster and faster and ended up smashing right into Leyland Atlantean no.68 who was waiting on a crossing the crossing went up for 'no train passing' and he rolled along the first track and the loco smashed into the side of it, it's ok now though, and that's the end of today's story.


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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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