The Wales & Borders Railway, story 6: The Great Race

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It was an average working day on the Wales & Borders Railway, all the locos were resting in their allocated sheds. "This is nothing but a load of old scrap iron on wheels" Leyland Scott said to Barry Hulser, "all it does is clank about, make a lot of noise", "How dare you!" snorted Leyland "it's bigger and stronger and deserves to have a little rattle, as it works a whole lot harder than yours, yours is a worthless engine". "I'LL GIVE YOU A WORTHLESS ENGINE!" fumed Mr Griffiths, the railway director, he had heard what Barry & Leyland had been saying to each other, he decided to give them a race of strength across the freight and disused lines of the W&BR, "I have heard you two arguing, I have decided to give your locos a race, 3 laps around the Machen Quarry - Fifoots Pnt Pwr Stn via the Llanwern Goods Loop, then we'll see who has a worthless engine". So, the locos had to start at Newport, go to the Quarry, then to Fifoots PPS, and back 3 times, it's sure to make one loco out of steam worn out, there's only one way to find out. Which loco do you think is going to win, Class A3 60103 or Class B12 8572?

About 10 mins later, the engines arrived at Newport to the start of the 1st lap, the guard blew his whistle, and he waved his green flag, 60103 and 8572 had started to leave the station, their wheels slipped at the start, then after a bit of throttle, the two engines were off, they both left the station at the exact same time. There was one thing that had made the race a bit difficult, as they were both steam engines, they had to stop to take on water and coal at the water towers and the big coal dispenser, they weren't going to let that stop them from being very competitive, Mr Griffiths had decided to give them a whole train of dirty, smelly HTV coal hoppers to pull as well. Mr Griffiths thought it would teach each other to not argue and call others locos worthless, and it did, everyone was nicer than ever, after the race of course. They both had about 20 HTVs coupled on before they raced away.

They were almost there, they had reached Newport for the last time, 8572 was in the lead, but 60103 was gaining fast, they were nearing the platform, the B12 was right by the entrance to Fifoots PPS when, HISSSSSSSSS!! 8572's air pipe was blocked, somehow a lump of coal made its way up there, he stopped just before he even got inside the station, steam flowed out of his cab in an alarming way, "Woohoo!" Barry said cheerfully, "we're going to win old boy", he said to 60103, and they did, the worthless engine had officially beaten the smaller engine. Everyone came to cheer 60103 and his crew on, but no-one came to see 8572, he just trundled on into a siding, where the old freight trucks were uncoupled from him, and were taken to Alexandra Dock Junction TC, where they were stored.


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