The Wales & Borders Railway, story 10: The Railway Buses - Part 2

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It was still Autumn time on the Wales & Borders Railway, 68 and 512, the two buses were both off to their destinations, 68's engine was very overheated, so their drivers, Malcolm and Andrew took them in the 'Bus Lane' for a few minutes to have a little cool down. "My engine is all worn out" complained Malcolm, "All you do is complain, you should gossip less and work more" Andrew interrupted, "All you do is complain, you should work more", "I just have a weak and faulty boiler, so I can't drive properly" Malcolm protested. 68 and a worn out 512, went to their bus stops, the passengers were eager to board them, they all rushed upstairs on 512, for the view, and they all scrambled in 68 as he was a small bus.

There were lots of splendid sights to see on the journey to and from the town centre, there were lots of trees, a huge lake with people fishing, and a field with lots of sheep. The bus drivers didn't really think much of the splendid sights, but the passengers were amazed with the views, "We don't have smashing views like this on the other railway, it's just either trucks, buildings or walls" complained the passengers, they wanted to stay in South Wales because of the views, they all loved riding on the Atlantean, as he was a decker, the passengers could see the sights a lot better, and from a lot higher up than the bottom deck of a bus. The buses finally arrived at the town centre, they were thankful to get to the town centre, they were also very disappointed that they weren't going to see the views, all the passengers were from other countries, they were amazed to see such amazing shops in the town centre, that they got some souvenirs like t-shirts that have the W&BR logo on them, they were so glad when it was time to get on the buses back home as they could see the sights again. 512 and 68 left the town centre, and headed back to Cardiff Central, all the passengers were all aboard and the duo hurried back.

All the passengers were adoring the sights, but the passengers who were on 68 going up, were on 512 coming back, the passengers were fuming, their view was blocked by a huge brick wall, which was coincidentally a few inches taller than 512 himself, the passengers were grumbling about this for a good few minutes, until Malcolm noticed them, "I can see how much the passengers enjoy the splendid sights" he stated, "I know, I'll take them down the shortcut, which is a nice scenic country run", so 512, took the passengers through the fields, they were happy again and stopped grumbling, but as soon as they got their phones and cameras out, they were at the station, they were even more annoyed, so 68, had decided to take all of 512's passengers to the town and back and Mr Griffiths had agreed to keep the buses in service on the W&BR.


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