The Wales & Borders Railway, story 38: Charlotte & Stella!

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Following the previous three Diesel Locomotive stories, the steam engines were on their last leg. The English Welsh & Scottish Railway or EWS, had ordered a batch of five Class 67 Bo'-Bo' diesel locomotives, 67 023, 024, 025, 026 & 027, they were used on the monthly PLPR test train from Derby RTC (Railtrack) to Landore TMD, usually top and tailed. Some of the Class 67s would often make their way to Canton Depot along with their converted Mk1 coaching stock, which were converted from passenger stock for use on the PLPR workings, which work the Railtrack working from Landore TMD. Phil Hunt, the manager of EWS, had the problem of dealing with too many locomotives, and couldn't get enough money to maintain his fleet of Class 66 and 37 locomotives, he had to do something with some of them.

He put a notice up on the notice board inside every depot office, saying '2 Class 67 locomotives for sale, call 01698 256213'. The locomotives for sale were 67 023 & 67 027, they had their EWS vinyls removed, and were sent to Toton TMD, where the EWS company is based. No-one had called up to purchase the locomotives, Phil had no choice but to send them to Landore TMD where they were getting ready for their last trip up to Part Mart Recycling of Tir-y-Berth. But, out of the blue, a man by the name of Iain Anderson, had set up a, soon to be very successful, company by the name of Colas Rail Freight or just Colas, he set up his headquarters in an old abandoned building in Birmingham, which he refurbished. He purchased the two 67s, he named 67 023 'Stella' and 67 027 'Charlotte', dedicated to their first women employees. They were repainted into Colas orange and yellow livery respectively. They worked alongside Railtrack on their PLPR test trains.

The others were indignant, "Why do we have to have a grimey old diesel here, it's disgraceful" remarked Les, the others agreed. They all went on strike until Charlotte & Stella were gone, they locked themselves in the canteen, "Get your fat arses out here now!!", called Mr Griffiths angrily "if you don't I'll get the two 67s to take all your steam engines to Part Mart Recycling, were they will meet the Cutter's Torch". They finally decided to quit the strike, and left the canteen, as they'd do anything to keep their steam engines in active service, rather than seeing it in a wagon on a train. They were sent back to Eastleigh Depot where they were stabled, and that's where they are now based. But what the steam engine drivers, and the rest of crew, didn't know was that one day in the future, every single steam engine will be scrapped at Part Mart, then replaced by a fleet of almighty diesel locomotives and then one day replace by a new set of diesel multiple units, hope you enjoyed this story.


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