The Wales & Borders Railway, story 3: A Snowy Summer

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It was an icy cold summer on the Wales & Borders Railway, everyone was very surprised about the fact that it was the middle of May, it was summertime and it was absolutely freezing. Recently, the Aberystwyth Cliff Railway had broken down, the chain that pulls the carriages up and down the cliff had come off the little runner, and the runner desperately needed replacing. Mr Griffiths, the railway director, called the Didcot Railway Centre to borrow RS1054, a 50 ton Breakdown Crane, "I was wondering if we could borrow RS1054 for lifting 2 carriages off the Cliff Railway, for a little repair", he said, "yes of course, we need to re-organise our railway, so you can keep it for a bit until we're all sorted" Emma Jhita, the DRC yard manager replied "why, thank you very much, I'll send 60103 there right away" So 60103 'Scotsman' rushed up to the Didcot Railway, but there was problem, the snow had covered a mountain from top to bottom, and any loud noise could make the snow fall down and cause an avalanche. 60103 sounded his warning whistle, which made a hell of a racket as he went past the mountainside, his driver and fireman were worried, but they just continued to get the crane.

Eventually, they got the crane, it was a big dark grey crane, 60103 came rushing through with RS1054, everyone was very thankful to be able to get off the ACR. The station master put up 2 signs that say, "DANGER KEEP AWAY", he put them on the top and bottom of the Cliff Railway, for them to repair it, it took a long time, but finally it was fixed. Then, Leyland & Gordon took 8572 to take a truck of old metal to the scrapyard, on their way back the sound of the buffers hitting each other made a loud noise and the snow came tumbling down, it came so fast, lots of it, it had covered 8572 from tender to firebox, "Bloody Hell" Gordon said anxiously "now we'll never get back to the Cliff Railway in time". Leyland then gave a few blasts on 8572's whistle, unfortunately, no-one heard it as his whistle and funnel were blocked with snow, and had no air to whistle loudly or make smoke signals. The crew made it out, and headed straight to the ACR. Everyone boarded a departmental Mk1 and 60103 pulled RS1054, to rescue 8572 and its crew. 60103 raced along the line.

Eventually, they found the stranded B12 buried under all the snow. RS1054 attached his grappling hook onto 8572's coupling chain and Barry pulled as hard as he could, they soon pulled him out as snow is just thin soft stuff, they lit his fire, made lots of steam and he eventually warmed up. Then, Mr Griffiths came to inspect the incident, 8572 was taken to Alfie's Garage, behind 60103 & RS1054, where he was repainted back into LNER apple green. Then the two allies headed straight back to Cardiff Canton Depot.


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