The Wales & Borders Railway, story 13: The End of Red

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The final part of the Maesteg Ballast Co related stories is quite a dark one, the end is coming for Tipper number 1. We start this story at the truck park, Oliver Holden was bragging about doing more runs than the others, "I've done 15 loads today, who beats me?" he announced, "10 for me, as always" replied Ian Riley, "A stinking 12" complained Michael West. Ian and Michael were getting annoyed, as Oliver was starting to show off, saying that number 1 was going to get a brand-new coat of Bartlett's Blue and red paint, "He'll look better than yours, with its new coat!" "You'd better stop showing off, otherwise you'll end up getting into trouble" Ian interrupted, he was cross, "Be quiet you bloody fool", shouted Oliver. Just then, Mr Moore came over and he was furious with them, "Oliver, what the devil do you think you're doing?" Mr Moore had heard everything they'd been saying to each other, "GET TO WORK, NOW!!" he shouted. At the start, Oliver was behaving well, he behaved well for about an hour or so, the others thought it was a miracle, but then he started being devious, he was up to his tricks he started speeding and driving as if he was fired from a rocket.

Later, Ian was in for a surprise, he had made his 12th load, he was ever so proud of himself, he'd never done more than 10 runs before, he was singing happily to himself when, CRASHHH!! Oliver was coming down the road so fast, he ended up side-sweeping Ian, where he smashed straight into an oak tree. His window was smashed, his right headlight was broken, and his bodywork was badly damaged, "Oh, my god!" Ian exclaimed, soon Michael found out about the news, he was most sad about his good friend, and was absolutely furious, he went to have a chat with Oliver immediately, as he got to the Quarry. Just like what happens when someone does something wrong, he denied everything about the crash, Mr Moore was most annoyed with Oliver, he was sent with no.1 to its shed where he was left there for the whole day.

When Michael was done conversing with Oliver he went to chat with Ian, he went up the little path which Ian's truck had crashed, when he skidded into the field, he was a bit shaken up in his cab, "Ian!" Michael called, "Ian, How are you?", "I'm, get going, go on go" Ian replied, just then a roaring engine could be heard, along with a familiar voice, "Quit laying around!" Oliver shouted, he was on his 16th load, he was cheerful, "Get going, you got to do more loads than him" Ian announced, "Have you got a tow chain?" Michael asked, Ian shook his head, "No, I'm afraid I don't" Ian answered, "I've got one in the side of my truck", he had got the chain from his truck when, "Come on!" Oliver had just passed him again. "Get going, you want to beat him, right!" Ian said, this time Michael listened, he gave Ian a hot drink and some sandwiches, he also gave Ian a refill of diesel. Michael and Oliver went to the Quarry via the shortcut, Michael was so mad, he smashed into the side of Oliver's truck, and Oliver and his truck went tumbling down the embankment, into the ravine, he managed to jump out just in time, before no.1 exploded, after Oliver was cooled down, they got him out of the ravine, and his truck was rebuilt about a month later, and he was and wiser after that.


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