The Wales & Borders Railway, story 41: Hefin David in Control!

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This story is written especially for my good friend Hefin David MS, Welsh Labour Politician / Member of the Senedd.

T'was a very important day on the Wales & Borders Railway, as the main locomotives were scrapped or preserved, the railway hasn't been the same since. Something needed to be done, so Mr Griffiths, railway director, had a think but sadly came up with no ideas, then it was time for him to go home, when he made some posters advertising for Vice-Railway Manager, the next day he got them printed at a local photo shop and pinned them up around town even around the railway. By the time he went home that day, you guessed right, he got no takers, but he didn't let that stop him, he stayed up 'til about 11pm when he got a call, "Hello, I'm calling for the Railway Manager position?" asked the applicant, "Right" answered Mr Griffiths "what is your name, sir?", "My name is Hefin David, I'll put 1000% effort in the manager position!". After that, Mr Griffiths decided to hire Hefin for a week trial as manager, everything went like a breeze, "I've never met such an intelligent and hard working manager as you before, Hefin", after that Griffiths had no choice but to say a big 'Yes, you're hired' and from that day onwards, the railway was more successful than ever.

After about a month with Hefin David as Railway Manager, everything went like clockwork, trains were out on-time and there weren't any complaints for a very long time, thank you Hefin. As Hefin had heard about the sad moment of Mr Griffiths' railway engines leaving the railway for various reasons, he decided to bring some preserved steam engines to the railway for a little Steamy Surprise. As soon as the steam engines arrived, they rolled them into Alfie's Garage, where they were looked after, Hefin brought the GWR 'King Class' King Edward II, the GWR 'Castle Class' Caerphilly Castle and an LNER Class C6 locos, "This will be the best surprise he's ever had in ages".

As soon as it reached about 5:30pm, Hefin decided to put lights up on the locos and the train, ready for Mr Griffiths surprise, as for the journey, they closed all railway stations for this, they took the locomotives and the train up the All Welsh Express line running from Rhymney all the way to Llandudno. It was a pretty sight; 2 GWR locos and an LNER loco pulling the railway director and vice-manager along the All Welsh Express line, the pretty colourful lights shone brightly in the night sky, everyone came to the crossing at Swansea Intersection with cameras recording and photographing this magnificent sight. The next morning, Mr Griffiths went to Hefin's office at the Cliff Railway, and thanked him properly by giving him a present, he gave him his model of the Duchess of Sutherland, which he'd got for his birthday, he was so happy with it, he couldn't stop making videos about it, in his spare time, and that's the end of today's story.

I really hope you enjoy this story, Mr Hefin David Ms, and as you wished, you are a great guy in this story, thank you.


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