The Wales & Borders Railway, story 45: The Engineering Trains

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The Welsh Valley Railway had recently gone under renovation and refurbishment, and many well loved stations and locations, such as the big station, Cardiff Central, have been renewed. But, in order to keep the railway in good working condition, the whole railway needs to be checked and serviced, just like a car or bus. Mr Griffiths, railway director, had decided to have start using Engineering Trains again, he couldn't use one of his Multiple Units for the job, so he had to take 2 of his locomotives and an old Mk1 Pullman Parlour First, which he discovered in the back of Canton, and kitted it out with the newest track recording kit, it was renumbered to 977945.

Old Griffiths decided to take 2 of his old GCR / LNER D11 'Improved Director' Class locos (506 & 6401) out of Part Mart Automotive Recycling, and paint them in LNER Wartime Black and to replace their original numbers with RIT-1 and RIT-2 (RIE - Rail Inspection Train), which was located on their tenders instead of their cab sides. Both coupled up back to back, with the converted BR Mark 1 coach, 977945, in between their tenders, they patrolled the lines, cleaning up all the rubbish vandals, hooligans, and generally lazy people throw on the track. And making sure all the tracks are fit and safe for trains to run on.

The Rail Engineering Trains were a huge hit, and had helped keep the Railways of the Welsh Valleys safe for a few weeks since they started, but one thing Griffiths forgot to get for the railway, is a water spraying train, but DB was willing to lend their water units to Griffiths to use on the W&BR, as long as they were returned. He used a few of former Southern Class 73/2s, with a spraying unit and 4 water tanks between the 73s, they patrolled the lines, cleaning the rail-heads for the trains. One problem, all of the locos that work the water spraying trains, they'd get awfully dirty. This train was rebranded as the Rail-head Treatment Train. Along with the Engineering Trains, they'll both help to serve the Railways of the Welsh Valleys for many years to come, but a special job is arriving for the Rail Engineering trains, but we'll save all that excitement for another story, and soon the Rail-head Treatment Trains will be replaced by a bigger unit, but that can wait for another time, too.


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