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"That was amazing! Alex, why don't you ever cook for me?!" I joked as Alex took my plate and put it in the sink.

"I might." He joked as he walked back towards my chair. "But for now, I am getting in the shower." He whispered before kissing my cheek and walking to the bathroom. As soon as I heard the water running, I turned to Jess.

"I went to see Tony yesterday." I said in a hushed voice. Jess stared at me as to say 'why?' "He tried to..you know.. commit suicide.." I mumbled the last part.

"What the hell?!" She yelled. I told her to be quiet and then continued to explain.

"He said that when I got married to Alex, he lost his rock, a.k.a me, and that he was put back into a funk he was in years ago and he just broke. I honestly felt like it was my fault he did that, but it's not. I left because he cheated. That's all to it. He fucked Teagan, so I fucking left. He brought it all on himself." By this time, Alex was out of the shower and I didn't notice him standing behind me.

"Tony fucked your best friend? What the fuck is that shit?" He asked, getting mad. I put my hand on his chest and kissed him softly to tell him that it was okay. I mean, I wasn't upset about it anymore, so why should he get mad?

I pulled out my phone and texted Dad.

J- How's everything over there with Zoe?

D- Good, why?

J- Just asking. Would you be okay with her coming over for the week? I haven't gotten to spend much time with her and I want to take her shopping.

Five minutes later, Zoe called me.

"I'M ON MY WAY!" She yelled through the phone, making me hold it a few inches away from my ear.

"Get Dad to drive you." I laughed.

"But I'm already hear." She said, opening the front door. I stood there to see an out of breath Zoe with a bag over her shoulder.

"Pack light?" She nodded and ran up to her room. Yes, my little sister has her own room here. It's a big house, soon enough I'll have to clean out another room and make if a guest room. Gah, Jess.

"WHEN ARE WE GOING SHOPPING?!" Zoe yelled from the top of the stairs, making Alex jump in the process. I chuckled.

"We'll go tomorrow, just get settled in while I call Dad." Alex eyed me as I walked outside with my phone.

"Hey, Jay. I'm assuming Zoe is there since she ran out of the house as soon as I told her you wanted her to come over?" He said all in one breath. I laughed.

"Yes, she's here. But I have an important question."


"How did he do it?"

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