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Vic's P.O.V 


"Hey, Tone. Do you want to come out with us? We're going up the road to the bar." I asked the turtle on the couch. He looked up at me with red, puffy eyes.

"No thank you." Polite Tony.

"Go on, I'll catch up." I told the guys. They left and I sat down next to Tony. "Is it about Jaycee?" He looked back at me with sad eyes and nodded. "What are you thinking about her?"

"I just, I miss her. She's moved on, and married..and I'm still here dwelling on the past." He spoke up. I nodded, understanding what was going on with him.

"You're depressed because she left." Tony looked up at me an nodded.

"I miss the fuck out of her, Vic. I love her, but I screwed that up when I fucked Teagan. I suck, and I fucked up the best relationship I have ever had!" Tony said, getting really upset. I rubbed his back, to assure him that I understood.

"Tone, I know you probably don't want to hear this, but she's happy. She's happy with Alex, and you should be happy that she's happy. If you truly, truly love her..let her go." I whispered the last part. I knew this was something that Tony would never want to hear, but someone needed to say it.

Tony nodded before someone honked the car horn.

"We'll be back in a few hours. Don't do anything stupid." I said as Tony hugged a pillow. I walked out the door and to the car. 

I had no idea what Tony was going to do.

Tony's P.O.V

Vic is finally gone. Finally. Now I can do what I've been meaning to do since I was little.

It's been about an hour since they left, but I wanted to do it right before they got back so that the could see my dead body on the floor. I wanted to let them know how much I was suffering.

I know what you might think, 'this is stupid, why are you killing yourself over a girl?'. Well, she's not just any girl..she's the love of my life. 

No, she's the love of Alex's life. She hates you. She loves Alex. 

Alex is the love of her life.

She would still be with you if you didn't fuck Teagan.

Why don't you just kill yourself so Jaycee doesn't have to live with you trying to get back with you.

She doesn't love you.

She never will.

"STOP!" I screamed. Why did the voices have to come back?!

I slid down the wall of the bathroom with a bottle of pills. I don't know how many were in there, or what the hell they were..but I knew they would work.

So, I took them. Twelve of them, to be exact. 

It didn't work at first, but I knew it was working when everything went black.

I smiled.

Jaime's P.O.V

"We're home, Tony!" Vic yelled as we walked in the door. They were all drunk, but I wasn't. It sucks having to be the designated driver but hey! I met this really cute girl there named Jess. We exchanged numbers and are planning to hang out sometime soon.

"Tony?" My voice sounded, weaker than I thought.

I made sure Vic, Mike, and Kellin got to where they wanted to be safely and then I went to check up on Tony.

"Tone? You better be asleep." I mumbled the last part. 

I opened the door to his bedroom, and it was empty.

"Tony?" I closed his door and pulled out my phone.

I went up the the other door in this hallway, which was the bathroom, and tried to open the door.

It wouldn't budge.

"Tony! Open the damned door!" I started freaking out as I slammed my shoulder into the bathroom door. I knew someone should have stayed home with him!

I dialed 9-1-1 and finally got the door opened. I saw Tony.

"Hello, 9-1-1 what's your-"

"My best friend is in the bathroom, passed out cold. I need help!"

"Alright, what is your address?" I gave them the address to the house and picked Tony up, putting him into the bathtub and ran some water. 

I shoved two fingers down his throat until he finally gagged and threw up. There were twelve pills there.

"Jaime? Why would you do that?! I wanted to die!" He yelled, trying to get up out of the tub. I shook my head and pushed him back down.

"Do not get up." I said with a stern voice. He looked at me and nodded.

A few minutes later, there were sirens outside.

"You called 9-1-1?!" Tony yelled. I nodded. "No, no, no, no, no. Why?!" I rolled my eyes.

"You were half dead." I said before picking him up and carrying him down the stairs.

I opened the door and let the paramedics take Tony.

"You're okay now." I said before they took him away.

End of flashback

Jaycee's P.O.V

"He overdosed." Dad's voice rang through my phone.

"On what?"

"Some drug that Mike had hidden in the back of the medicine cabinet." I sucked in a breath of air and let it out slowly.

"I'm going to kill Mike. He promised me he would throw everything away."I said through clenched teeth.

"I'm okay with that. He needs a little sense beaten into him. How's Zoe?" I looked at my little sister and smiled.

"She's good. Zoe, do you want to talk to Dad?" I asked. Zoe nodded and I handed her my phone.

"Hi Daddy!"

"You know, you're going to be a great Mom." Alex whispered into my ear.

"And you're going to be a great father."

"What are we going to name him or her?" Alex asked, putting his hands on my stomach.

"I was thinking, if it's a girl I want to name her Alexandria." I said.

"Like after me?" Alex asked.

"Well duh." I said before kissing him on the cheek.

"And if it's a boy..?"



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