Paint You Wings

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Time Skip~ Two years

"Alex! Get Lexi ready so we can go!" I said as I rushed around the room to find my shoes.

"Jack is going to kill me because we're late!" He yelled, putting Lexi's shirt over her head.

"Then hurry up!"I yelled back before finding my shoes, slipping them on, and grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.  

"I'm trying! Alexandria! Don't eat that!" I couldn't see what he was doing or what she was trying to eat, but I just rolled my eyes and continued texting Jess.

A few months ago she moved in with Jaime because he asked her to. They've been dating for about a year and a half.

Dad and Kellin have been married for about two and a half years, and now they have Zoe and Layla, their new baby, living with them.

Zoe is now in a private school and no one bullies her, that I know of. She's been studying to be a psychiatrist, which is a like a therapist whom can prescribe medicine. I'm proud of her.

Mike has a child with a girl named Andi, and their son is the cutest thing ever.

And Tony? He has a fiance. Her name is Hannah, and she's pregnant with a little girl. Hannah is probably the sweetest girl you would ever meet, unless someone messes with Tony. Then she's a huge bitch. I've witnessed it before, towards some prick who called Tony a dumbass and some other names. 

Tony is happier, much happier, and like I said, engaged. He moved on, and I'm glad he did.

"Ready to go?" Alex's voice made me jump as he walked up behind me. I nodded, picking up Alexandria whom was walking next to Alex.

"Let's go."


When we got to Jack's house, Alexandria automatically jumped into Jack's arms.

"Hey Lexi! Did you miss your favorite uncle?!" Jack said, spinning her around. I smiled and leaned into Alex's side.

"Yeah!" She squealed as Jack barely threw her up in the air. She only came about two inches out of his hands, so it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Good! Do you want some pizza?" I rolled my eyes and the man child before I heard Lexi say 'yeah' twice.

"Well, isn't that something." I said as Alex and I walked into the dinning room where we were greeted by a Jack and an Alexandria with pizza sauce on their faces. 

"We got hungry." Jack shrugged.

"Yeah, mommy!" I laughed at Alexandria's attempt to grab another piece of pizza from Jack's plate.

"Alex and I are going out, will you please watch her for the night?" I asked Jack as I sat Lexi's bag down next to the couch.

"Yeah sure!" 

"Good, we'll be back in the morning. Love you, Lexi-bear." Alex said, kissing Lexi on the top of her head.

"Love you, too Daddy!" I smiled before giving Lexi a big hug and kiss. 

"Bye guys!" I said, blowing kisses to both of them.

"Let's go." Alex smirked before leading me back to the car and driving back to the house. "Come on, baby." He said, dragging me up the stairs and to the bedroom.

"I love you." I whispered as he took my clothes off.

"I love you, too."


Last chapter ;)

Sorry babes

I love you <3

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