Missing You

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There he was.

Tony was standing at my front door.

With a gun.

Pointing it at Alex.

I honestly never thought Tony would be one to do something like this.

"Don't move!" He screamed as I took a step forward. I froze in my place and held on to Alexandria.

"Why are you doing this, Tone?"

"Don't call me that! Only the guys can call me that!" I cringed. 

"Why are you doing this?" Alex spoke up after being quiet since Tony got here.

"I-I want her back. Don't make me pull the fucking trigger. You don't understand how much I love her Alex." Tony said. I was shocked. 

 "Can I ask what's going- holy shit." Jess said making Tony furious. 

"Jess shut your fucking mouth or I'll kidnap you so help me god. Now, you have a choice, I can leave here with Jaycee and Alexandria and we can be happy together like it should've been. Or I can shoot you and kidnap Jess, and Jaycee." Tony warned Alex. 

"I'm not going anywhere, Tony!" I screamed at him, which was a horrible mistake. He shot Alex in the leg and dropped the gun running towards my daughter and I. Jess panicked and quickly called Vic. 

 "Tony let me go! Please!" I screamed as he held my arms together. He had a hold of Alexandria and god knows where Jess ran off to. 

 "You let her the fuck go Tony, or you're out of the band."


So, even if it is short, y'all wouldn't have gotten an update for a while if Kissing_Ptv wasn't there to help me <3 

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