Love Without Tragedy (A Princeton Story)

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Brianna POV

Brianna Here. I'm 16 turning 17. I don't know why he does this to me, we were best friends in middle school, now he hates me. I didn't do anything and he's been bullying me since Freshman year. Since he started playing basketball. 😒 I have a friend named Ray he's dating my best friend Milani so he's barely around but we talk about everything to each other. Other then them I have no one.

Ever since he started hanging with Chresanto, and Craig. Oh Sorry, don't know who I'm talking about, Jacob Perez. I don't even know who he is anymore man.

I mean so what I wear glasses and wear braces, but you don't do your best friend like that.


I feel sick to my stomach just thinking bout it.

My first love, yes I love him and he's gone. My parents died last year in a car accident, so I live ALONE.

Jacob POV

Jacob is my name. I play ball, I'm 17. You might think I'm a foul dude but high school changes you man, and my bros, Chresanto/Craig said its not good for my rep to chill with Bri so I had to drop her. I mean she was an amazing person but her looks wasn't cutting it and I had to let her go

Well Im a Junior now. I have the rep as the school player but what can I say, girls just come at me. I lost my virginity freshman and every since then it's been like girls throw they self at me, so yeah i live up to the rep. One day I'll settle down though but for now it's all about ball.

I live with my cousin Bella,23 but she's barely ever home. So it's usually quiet. I'm usually alone, unless some chick comes over or The bros but normally I'm ALONE.

5+ Reads.

(A/N : I know it's boring but trust me it's gonna be good. I have a great co-writer. So read and we'll update real soon )

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