Chapter 21

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Brianna POV

I arrived at my door and sighed heavily. I opened the door and went to my room, I opened my bag to see, at my suprise, Jacob's sweater. What part I didnt want it didnt he get. I got in the shower and threw on my sweats and a tank.

I fell on my bed, and picked my phone as it rang, expecting it to be Jacob I sighed deeply, and answered. Maybe I needed to hear him out. I picked up without minding the caller ID.

Brianna: WHAT JACOB!?

??: This isn't Jacob sweetheart.

Brianna: Who the hell is this?

??: The name is Max but I dont have time for small talk, listen, you know someone that I want

I heard that name before but I couldn't get it out.

Brianna: and that is?

Max: Vanessa

Brianna: Who the hell is Vanessa?

Max: Your new best friend

Brianna: Sir, please clarify

Max: Dont worry about that. I just need you cooperate and nobody'll get hurt

Brianna: Um, I dont know who the hell you are but dont call my number with this fuckery, I have enough on my mind as it is and I dont need more .... How'd you get my number anyway?

Max: Dont worry and stop asking me questions. Just remember that you've been warned.

Brianna: Whatever

Max: Oh and tell Vanessa I'll be watching her closely.

I hung up, wait till I tell Sharoya this bullshit. At the point I couldn't care less, all of a sudden I longed for Jacob. I didnt like the feeling but it was time to face the fact that I missed him.

I grabbed his sweater off my bed and held it close to me. I needed to talk to him, its time.
I dialed up his number and waited.

Jacob: Hello

Brianna: Uh Hey

Jacob: I miss you so much Brianna

Brianna: I miss you too.

Jacob: I'm soo sorry for everything I've done since freshman year. I just want you back here and it's unfortunate because I feel I don't deserve you, but I love you. I'm just bad at showing my emotion sometimes.

Brianna: It's okay Jacob, ar-are you crying?

Jacob: *sniffs* a little. I need you Bri, I'm sorry.

Brianna: Calm down Jacob, just come over please

Jacob: Are you sure?

Brianna: Yeah, I mean I wouldn't have said anything if I didn't want you here

Jacob: I'm on my way. I love you so much

Brianna: mhm, I know. I love you too

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