Chapter 16

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I dialed up Milani and told her to come over I had to relieve some stress.

I swear she came within 5 minutes.

-Jacob's room-

Milani POV

I've wanted Jacob since he started dating Brianna and now I know I have where I want him.

I kissed him and he touched my body in response.

He threw me on the bed and started to kiss me roughly and I liked it. I was loving it.

Jacob POV

Yeah I'm stupid I know, but Brianna wasn't talking to me and sex is usually how I relieve stress, either that or I head to the gym with the guys but they all have girlfriends and are busy so I called Milani

- an hour later -

Milani was on top, riding me and moaning like crazy. I gripped her waist tight and as she slowed down.

Brianna POV

I felt bad about yelling at Jacob and cursing him out the way I did. So I went to his house and figured we could talk.

When I pulled up the door was open so I invited myself in.

Brianna: Hello. Jacob.

No reply.

I walked up the stairs

And I heard moans and grunting.

As I walked towards Jacob's room

The sounds got louder and louder.

I opened the door to see...





Milani riding him?!?!

That fucking hoe. I don't know what came over me and I lost it. I screamed to the top of my lungs, startling both of them. Tears streamed down my face as I yanked Milani by her hair and threw her on the floor.

Jacob POV

Milani was riding until I jumped up quicker than ever, when I heard a ear-piercing scream. I turned to see it was Brianna. DAMMIT!

She grabbed Milani and dragged her by her hair onto the floor and started beating the f*ck out of Milani. I was actually impressed.

I put on my boxers and tshirt, then grabbed Brianna before anymore damage was done.

She was crying like crazy. Milani's lip was busted and she had blood all over her face.

She ran out the room and grabbed her clothes. I think that friendship was done for.

Brianna then looked at me with such sadness, hurt, and pain.

Brianna: You said you wouldn't hurt me

Jacob: I'm So Sorr----GCO

That's when she slapped me hard, REAL HARD.

I just hugged her tightly, she fought back but eventually she gave in and she kept crying in my shoulder. I started crying a little. I knew I regretted doing what I did with Milani.

Jacob: Baby I'm SO So So So So So Sorry. I-----GCO

Brianna: All you do is hurt me and then say you're sorry. I can't do this Jacob, I can't.

Jacob: I'm sorry. Baby please. I Love You More Than Anything.

That's when she wiped her eyes and pushed me away.

Brianna: Of course you do *sarcastic* which is exactly why you slept with my --- with my ex-best friend.

Jacob: Baby please you gotta understand she came onto me. I'm sorry.

Brianna: *mimicking* I'm sorry Brianna, it's not gonna happen again. I Looovve You.

Jacob: 😑 I don't sound like that.

Brianna: I'm done. Let me know when you get your shit together, because obviously you can't keep ya little thing in your pants.

Jacob: Baby please don't. I need you, I want you.

I grabbed her by her arms not aggressively but yeah...and looked at her eyes.

Jacob: Brianna please.

Brianna: Fuck you Jacob, I'm so done with you. It's O-V-E-R ! Need a synonym, finished, done.

She started to walk away, when I yelled.

Jacob: Tell me you don't love me

Brianna: What?

Jacob: Tell me that you DON'T love me

Brianna:*wipes tears* Bye

Then she left, just like that. I just sat on the bed and buried my face in my hands. How could I be so stupid?


Welp, Yeah They Aren't Together Anymore so. Comment Some Ideas, but Next Two Chapters Will Be Focused on Craig, Sharoya and Dee.

Love Y'all. Comment. Vote.

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