Chapter 22

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Jacob POV

She's gonna take me back after all that's happened. I feel so lucky, I feel great, all the words that cant explain.

I knocked on her door and waited. When she opened the door she was in tears. She jumped on me and hugged me tightly.

Jacob: I missed you so much,

She didnt say anything, but she looked at me and pulled me inside.

Brianna: We gotta talk Jacob

Jacob: Anything.

Brianna: Lets go upstairs

We walked up into her room and sat on her bed.

Jacob: Bri, I'm sorry and I know I fucked up major but I promise this time..Im really willing to change and Im going to change

Brianna: Im not taking you back Jacob

Jacob: bu...but why?

Brianna: You hurt me to many times and I told you before that you only had one chance and you blew that but we can still be hard as it is for me to say this, I think we're over for good

Jacob: No Bri, I said I was sorry, Im going to change Bri just please.

Brianna: Sorry isn't going to change the fact that you did what you did with my BEST..EX BEST FRIEND! How could you? I trusted you, I gave you everything, all of me and you just threw it all away

Jacob: Im sorry

Thats all I could say to her, I never once considered her feelings and I really didnt mean to hurt her

Brianna: * stands up and starts pacing * Ughh, sorry , Im sorry Brianna , Im Sorry , Sorry Sorry SORRY! Im tired of hearing you say that, instead of saying that shit over and over again, just prove that your sorry.

Jacob: I..I dont know what to say

Brianna: Of course not, because you dont think, you too busy thinking with your dick instead of your head. You dont consider anyone else's feelings but your own, it's been that way since we graduated Junior High. If it wasn't about Jacob then it didnt matter,

Jacob: but You do matter to me

Brianna: Just like Milani and Shante mattered and that girls that you screwed before her mattered too.

Jacob: They were just hoes, I actually wanna spend my life with you, but Im trying to make it up to you, just let me prove it to you

Brianna: Why so I can get hurt again, and repeat this whole cycle with you, No I'll pass

Jacob: but Brianna, I really mean it this time, I'll use my head. I'll do right by you, just give me a last chance.

Brianna: You always end up hurting me and then I end up crying like I am now and we go back and forth and yadda yadda , you know I don't know If I can....GCO

I just got up and kissed her passionately and hard, and she started to kiss me back. When we pulled apart she cradled her head in my neck

Jacob: Shh, you talk to much.

Brianna: I Love You

Jacob: I Love You too

Brianna: but I just can't take this with you anymore, you tell me you love me and then you go and do some dumb shit

Jacob: I know, I mean this from the bottom of my heart when I say I'm sorry

Brianna: Sorry isn't going to change anything Jacob, why don't we just try to best friends again

Jacob: You know I can't do that Brianna, I think of us as way more than that

Brianna: Well I can't be with you right now, we can be a friends with benefits sort of thing, I guess but not together, at least not for now, till' you realize what you want

Jacob: All I want is you

Brianna: We'll see. Only time will tell

I smiled at her, and hugged her. I loved her and I am gonna prove it to her.

I ended up staying the night and we watched movies.

Brianna POV

Its not that I dont want him back, its just I cant trust him. So when he proves it, we can be back together. We watched movies and we cuddled. My phone rang from a text

" You think I can't see you, our conversation isn't over. Tell Vanessa that I'll be watching her too. Sweet Dreams, Max "

I tried my best to ignore it and went to sleep in Jacob's arms. 

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