Intro to Characters

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Ariana Grande '21 years old' youngest member of the family. Doesn't really get along with anyone but everyone loves her. Strongest vampire of the family.

Justin Bieber '20 years old' sweetest boy you'll ever meet. He likes going to school. Straight A student. He doesn't really have any friends, people bully him for being the 'nerd' in school.

Frankie Grande '24 years old' older brother of Ariana Grande. He claims to be stronger than his sister. He has a strong bond with his sister.

Joan Grande. Mom of Ariana and Frankie. Widow of Edward Butera.

Selena Gomez '21 years old' Ariana's enemy. She's after Ariana to get revenge.

Alfredo Flores '23 years old' Has been trying to get with Ariana. Also a vampire.


This will be the main cast, later on in the story people may be added.

I'm aware that some of the ages are not correct. I'm just using the names and physical appearances.

I'm excited to write this story and I hope you guys like it. The first chapter will be posted soon.

Byeeee bbys

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