Chapter 10

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As they twisted and turned down the tunnel, Fili held onto Dawn tightly from all the rocks. All they heard was screaming. And soon they landed on a small metal figure that looked like a hand catching something. As they landed, they struggled to get up. But they now faced more problems. As they got up, they were faced with thousands of horrid goblins. Before Dawn even realized it, two goblins were holding her hands behind her back and were pushing her forward on the wooden bridge.

All the dwarves were captured as well, as they came to a great large area full of goblins. Goblins hanging from wooden bridges above them, goblins standing on the rickety porches on their wooden structures, and goblins standing right before them. And in the center was a large, fat, and discusting goblin wearing a crown of sharp bones. As the dwarves were forced to stand in front of the fat king, he stepped down and began to speak.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? ASSASINS?!!" the king questioned.

"Dwarves, your malevolence," said a goblin.


"We found them on the front porch."

"Well, don't just stand there! Search them! Every crack! Every crevice!" the king commanded. With those words, the goblins began to search the dwarves for their weapons. Dawn never felt so uncomfortable, having goblin hands search through her. But it soon stopped when the king spoke.

"What are you doing in these parts? SPEAK!!!" Nothing came but silence.
"Very well. If they will not talk, we'll make them SQUACK!!! Bring out the wrangler! Bring out the bone breaker. Start with the youngest!" the king said pointing to Ori.

"Wait!" Thorin shouted as he came forward.

"Well well well...look who we have here. Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror. King under the Mountain," the king said with a sarcastic bow. "Oh! But I'm forgetting you don't have a mountain, and you're not a king. Which makes you nobody, really." Thorin was now clearly in rage. Dawn could tell. His eyes were piercing with it.

"I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just a head. Nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak. An old enemy of yours. A pale Orc astride a white warg."

"Azog the defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago." Thorin said in denial of his enemies return

"So you think that his defiling days are gone, do you." And just at that second, the king turned to Dawns direction. He saw her eyes and his smile grinned even more.

"And I'll get double if I bring him the eyes of emerald." Just then the goblin king grabbed her by the waist from the crowd and threw her to two guards who shoved her down to her knees. Fili watched in horror, and began to charge, but was soon stopped by the kings spiked staff.

"Ah, ah, ah. You don't want her to die faster now do you." Fili looked at Dawn, who now had a knife at her throat ready to cut if she moved. So he slowly stepped back and gave the king a deadly look.

"Don't hurt her! You will gain nothing!" Thorin shouted.

"Oh I think I'll gain more than enough to imagine!" The king then walked over to a small goblin on a seat hanging from a string.

"Send word to the pale orc. Tell him I have found his prizes." With that the little goblin rode off into the dark.
The goblins then brought Thorin forward, preparing to execute him.

"Shield the girls eyes. We certainly can't have the prophecy be fulfilled," the king said. As Dawn was being held down, a third goblin came and with a piece of black cloth, covered her eyes. Everything was dark, and Dawn never felt this scared. And she couldn't tell if she was to die first or last. The knife at her throat could slice at any second.

While the torture machines were coming, a goblin searching through the weapons screeched when he saw Thorins weapon.

"I know that sword!" he exclaimed, pointing at it as the other goblins were hurriedly moving away from the blade.

"It is the goblin cleaver! The biter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks! Slash them! Beat them! Kill them, kill them all!"

With that the goblins began to punch, bite, an fight the dwarves. Fili tried to fight off them, but then looked at Dawn. While she had no idea what was going on, a goblin came to her, and slapped her. She shouted in pain, and was then slapped again, followed with a punch in the gut. Fired with rage, Fili jumped on the goblin and cut his throat with one of the daggers he grabbed from his coat that they didn't find.
Just then a boom came from a short distance, that caused everyone to fall. As Fili looked up, he was thrilled to see that it was Gandalf. Fili seeing that the goblins holding Dawn had lost their grip, took her and removed the blindfold.

"Are you alright?" Fili said. Dawn nodded and the looked at Gandalf.

"Take up arms...fight!" Gandalf shouted to the dwarves. "Fight!" With those small words, it triggered the dwarves adrenaline and they began to fight. They quickly reclaimed their weapons and began to slay the goblins.

"He wields the Foehammer! The Beater! Bright as daylight!" the goblin king screamed in fear, still lying on the ground where he had been knocked down by the wizard's magic.

"Follow me! Quick!" Gandalf shouted. With no doubt in their minds they began to run. As they followed Gandalf, They encountered many goblins, which in clever ways they were able to pass.
While Dwalin was smashing the heads of goblins, and Kili was dodging arrows with his sword, Fili's main focus was to keep Dawn close. He had seen her almost die for the second time, and it wouldn't be cured by elves. He had a tight grip on her hand and she gripped tightly as well.

They soon reached a moment where they were swinging on the wood. When it got its first swing to the other side, half of the company jumped off, but it was too late for Dawn to get off. And as they swung to the other side, goblins climbed on. But it quickly was approaching the other side. So Dawn jumped onto the other side with the others. Fili was last, as he cut the rope with his sword before he landed. He then held Dawns hand once more and continued to run.

But just as it seemed they were safe, the goblin king crashed through one of the passes. And following it the goblins blocked out every escape.

"You thought you could escape me?" the king barked, pushing Gandalf against the dwarves.

"What are you going to do now, wizard?" To answer his question, Gandalf poked him in the eye with his staff, and then sliced his stomach. He squealed in pain as he fell to his knees. The king looked left, then right.

"That'll do it." Then Gandalf sliced the goblins throat and killed him. But as the goblin king fell onto the wooden bridge, it rumbled, and the company soon found themselves sliding down the rock walls. Fili clung onto Dawn to make sure she wouldn't fall off. And they soon hit the ground slowly. As Dawn looked down, she noticed there were two levels of the structure they were on. She was on the second. There was not only wood, but there was also rubble and stone. But it was nothing compared to the company on the bottom, who had a layer of dwarves also on them.

"Well that could have been worse," said Bofur. But he soon ate his words when the goblin king's corpse landed flat on them. More pain for everyone, especially those at the bottom.

"Bofur," Dawn faintly said with a bit of harshness.

"You've got to be joking," Dwalin gasped out. As Fili got out, he quickly reached for Dawn an helped her out. After all, it was hard for himself to get out.

"Gandalf!" Kili shouted. As they looked in his direction, they saw a swarm of goblins seeking vengeance for their fallen king.

"There's too many of them."
"Only one thing could save us. Daylight. Run!" Gandalf said. As they ran once more, Gandalf lead them to a cave tunnel, which had visible daylight.

One by one they left the mountain, and began to run downhill. And when Gandalf stopped they knew they could stop running. he then began to count them. But then there was a problem.
"Where's our hobbit?"

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