Chapter 37

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When Dawn opened her eyes, she was atop of what looked like a gazebo on the tip of a tree. Trees surrounded her as well, all with white wood and blue leaves and flowers. In the center was a small pillar with a mirror of water. After a moment of thought, she realized she was staring upon what Lothlorien would look like.

"Well done, my dear," a soft voice said. As Dawn turned, she met the gaze of Lady Galariel. Her beauty flowed like the rising moon. A smile shined upon her porcelain face. "You have fulfilled your destiny, and served your rulers well."

"It's...done? But that means...Kili," Dawn said in realization. "Kili, is he alright?" Galadriel smiled and guided her to the mirror. There, she saw familiar faces. Elven faces.

Tauriel was the first. It was easy to identify her with her auburn hair. She wept over the body of someone. To Dawns horror, it was Kili. He had a great large wound upon his abdomen. His armor stained with his royal blood.

Legolas then made an entrance. His sword covered in the dark scum that was orc blood. Upon his face was sadness. Sorrow that would be seen as if he had just lost or was about to lose someone.

"I understand he has you heart," Legolas said.

"Had my heart," Tauriel choked. "Now it is in pieces."

Legolas breathed. He then revealed the vial of tears to Tauriel. The one Dawn gave to Nendes after she had saved her from the orcs during their escape from Mirkwood. She looked at them with a puzzled expression. "Why do you show me this?"

"Nendes was given this by the Balorat Su. And she then gave it to me, in hopes it would heal you." Legolas then knelt down beside Kili's body. He opened the vial and poured the liquid into his wound. "With this I shall guide the Balorat Su a step further into fulfilling her duty..." Legolas looked at Tauriel as he shed a tear of sorrow himself. "And lead you to the one you love."

Over Kili's body, bright emerald sparkles began to appear over his wound. They began to circle his corpse as they grew in size, giving the appearance of fireflies in the summer nights. And then, the dwarfs eyes opened.

Tauriel was amazed. Before either could contain themselves, the star crossed lovers embraced, and shared a passionate kiss as their tears shed down their frozen cheeks.

"Tauriel..." Kili spoke. "How?" He turned his head and saw the presence of the elf prince. He spotted the vial in his hand. "You?"

"I know you have her heart. Something I could never have. I couldn't bare to see it broken." Legolas wiped his hand under his eye, catching a tear. "I hope that you both share the love that anyone could dream about."

Kili, without warning, embraced the elf with a brotherly affection. "Thank you," he said. "Please, consider me friend."

"You already are," Legolas replied.

Tauriel embraced the prince as well, and even gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You will always have a home in my heart, my friend," she said in elvish.

The prince smiled tearfully. With one last gesture of farewell, he stood up and left the two alone. His destination was a mystery to all. But deep down, Dawn had a feeling it lead North, and in pursuit of someone. Someone that will be of great importance in the future.

"Through the bravery of giving up his pursuit of her, the young elf prince helped you fulfill your destiny." Galadriel said as the imagery disappeared. "And you saving the life of your love made it final. Your abilities are permanent, and you have become legend."

"So..." Dawn began. "Fili is alright?"

"Yes, my dear."

"And...Thorin?" Dawn said, remembering the loss of her king.

"The son of Thrain will be joining the great hall of dwarven kings and heroes. He will be placed in legend as well. With his body and soul, the Arkenstone shall rest. A reminder to all that every spell can be broken."

Dawn shed a tear of joy. It was done. Her mission was complete. The love of her life was safe. The orcs had failed. She looked at her hand, the emerald markings were gone. Thorin was in the great halls of his fathers, with the stone he deserved. She turned to the elf and smiled. "Thank you."

"Farewell, Balorat Su," Lady Galadriel said. "We will meet in person very soon. May the stars and gods watch over you."

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