chapter three

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chapter three ;; In your dreams, Dratneel

N a t s u P O V

Fuck this school I groaned internally as I walked towards my class, not forgetting to dispose my used cig. I think I'm 10 minutes late but who gives a shit.

I opened the god damn door and saw Mira sitting on her table, watching some Korean Drama on her laptop

"Mr. Dragneel, late...Seriously I can't count how many times you were late" Mira said, which kinda annoyed me. Does it even look that I care, hag?

"Whatever" I muttered and pushed my bangs, while clicking my tongue. Bitch...

I scanned the classroom and saw a familiar blonde hair bitch, gotcha. After hours of researching, this slut that slapped me yesterday studies in my school. So, why not show her where she belongs.

"You may now sit down Mr. Dragneel, but this shall not be repeated again"

I started to glide towards my chair and sat down with a smirk, Blondie flinched and that just made me smirk wider.

"Anyways, keep it down I'm tryna watch this" The students started to tone down and they went back to their businesses.

I then smirked as I glanced at Luigi. I tapped on her desk which made her full attention focus on me instead of her table.

I smirked, "Hey, retarded" she flinched and glanced back at her desk. "Hm, did you miss me?" I teased and she scoffed.

"maybe you were the one who missed me, do you still want another slap? I swear to God, I'll give you something more than a slap!" She hissed and scoffed, I just smirked.

"hm, kinky, I like it" I smirked, "just to remind you darling, I still need to get my revenge, beautiful" I said noncholantly and she scoffed again.

"In your dreams, Dratneel"

She's perfect for the job...

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